An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 177 Search : log
cosmological distance
  دورای ِ کیهان‌شناسیک، ~ کیهان‌شناختی   
durâ-ye keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti

Fr.: distance cosmologique   

The distance to a remote galaxy based on its redshift assuming that the redshift is caused by the → Doppler effect and reflects the general expansion of the Universe.

cosmological; → distance .

cosmological epoch
  زیمه‌ی ِ کیهانشناختی   
zime-ye keyhânšenâxti

Fr.: époque cosmologique   

cosmological; → epoch.

cosmological model
  مدل ِ کیهان‌شناسیک، ~ کیهان‌شناختی   
model-e keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti

Fr.: modèle cosmologique   

A mathematical description of the Universe, based on observation, which tries to explain its current aspect, and to describe its evolution during time.

cosmological; → model.

cosmological principle
  پروز ِ کیهان‌شناسیک، ~ کیهان‌شناختی   
parvaz-e keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti

Fr.: principe cosmologique   

The → hypothesis that on → large scales the → Universe is → isotropic and → homogeneous, that is, it appears the same at all places and, from any one place, looks the same in all directions. See also → perfect cosmological principle.

Introduced by E.A. Milne in 1933; → cosmological; → principle.

cosmological redshift
  سرخ کیب ِ کیهان‌شناسیک، ~ کیهان‌شناختی   
sorxkib-e keyhânšenâsik, ~ keyhânšenâxti

Fr.: décalage vers le rouge cosmologique, redshift ~   

The → redshift of a remote object (galaxy, quasar, supenova) due to the expansion of the Universe.

cosmological; → redshift.

keyhânšenâsi (#)

Fr.: cosmologie   

The science of the origin, structure, and evolution of the Universe including the origin of galaxies, the chemical elements, and matter.

Cosmology, from → cosmo- + → -logy.

Keyhânšenâsi, from keyhân, → cosmos, + šenâsi, → -logy.

boluršenâsi (#)

Fr.: cristallographie   

The science of forms, properties, and structure of crystals.

crystal; → -graphy; → -logy.

current cosmological epoch
  زیمه‌ی ِ کیهانشناختی ِ کنونی   
zime-ye keyhânšenâxti-ye konuni

Fr.: époque cosmologique actuelle   

The → Universe at the → redshift z = 0.

current; → cosmological; → epoch.

decimal logarithm
  لگاریتم ِ دهدهی   
logâritm-e dahdahi

Fr.: logarithme décimal   

common logarithm.

decimal; → logarithm.

dâršenâsi (#)

Fr.: dendrologie   

The branch of → botany dealing with trees and shrubs. Dendrology studies the distinguishing characteristics of tree species for the purpose of identification and classification into orders and other natural groups.

From dendro- a combining form meaning "tree," from Gk. dendron "tree," related to Pers. dâr, → tree, + → -logy.

dust analogue
  آناگویه‌ی ِ غبار   
ânâguye-ye qobâr

Fr.: analogue de poussière   

A chemical compound produced in laboratory experiments to simulate real → interstellar dust grains and thus study them.

dust; → analogue.

Ecliptic Plane Input Catalogue (EPIC)
  کاتالوگ ِ درونداد ِ هامن ِ هورپهی   
kâtâlog-e darundâd-e hâmon-e hurpehi

Fr.: catalogue d'entrée du plan de l'écliptique   

A catalog of fields along the → ecliptic observed by the → K2 mission. The catalog is hosted at the → Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST).

ecliptic; → plane; → input; → catalogue.

bumšenâsi (#)

Fr.: écologie   

1) The scientific discipline that is concerned with the relationships between living organisms and their past, present, and future environments.
2) The study of the damaging effects of modern civilisation on the environment, with the aim of prevention or reversal through conservation.

eco- + → -logy.

šenaxtšenâsi (#)

Fr.: épistémologie   

A branch of philosophy that investigates the possibility, origins, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.

From Gk. episteme "knowledge," from Ionic Gk. epistasthai "to understand," literally "overstand," from → epi- "over, near" + histasthai "to stand;" cognate with Pers. istâdan "to stand," → standard; PIE base *sta- "to stand."

From šenaxt, → knowledge, + -šenâsi, → -logy.


Fr.: ethnologie   

The study of specific cultures (ethnic groups) in their different aspects (anthropological, social, cultural, etc.) to establish similarities and disparities between them.

ethno-; → logy.

riše-šenâsi (#)

Fr.: étymologie   

The study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of → words.

M.E., from L. etymologia, from Gk. etymologia, from etymon "true sense" (neuter of etymos) + logos, → -logy.

Riše-šenâsi, from rišé "root" (dialectal Tabari rexa; Kurd. regez, riše), from Mid.Pers. rêšak "root," maybe ultimately related to PIE *u(e)rad-, although the Skt. offshoot is absent (Gk. rhiza "root;" L. radix, radius "staff;" O.H.G. wurz "plant, herb;" Ger. Wurz; O.E. rot; E. root) + -šenâsi, → -logy.

borun zistšenâsi

Fr.: exobiologie   

The study of life beyond the Earth's atmosphere, as on other planets; also → astrobiology.

exo-; → biology.


Fr.: exoplanétologie   

The part of → astrophysics that searches and studies → extrasolar planets.

exoplanet; → -logy.

first-order logic (FOL)
  گوییک ِ فراسنی ِ رایه‌ی ِ نخست، ~ فراسنهای ِ ~ ~   
guyik-e farâsani-ye râye-ye naxost, ~ farâsanhâ-ye ~ ~

Fr.: logique des prédicats du premier ordre   

A system of → formal logic that is an extension of → propositional logic. It is also known as → first-order predicate calculus and → predicate logic. FOL eliminates deficiencies of propositional logic by: representing → objects (their properties, relations and statements about them), introducing → variables, and introducing → quantifiers.

first; → order; → predicate; → logic.

formal logic
  گوییک ِ دیسه‌ای، ~ دیسه‌ور   
guyik-e diseyi, ~ disevar

Fr.: logique formelle   

The traditional or → classical logic in which the → validity or → invalidity of a conclusion is deduced from two or more statements (→ premises). Based on Aristotle's (384-322 BC) theory of → syllogism, systematized in his book "Organon," its focus is not on what is stated (the content) but on the structure (form) of the → argument and the validity of the inference drawn from the premises of the argument; if the premises are true then the logical consequence must also be true. Formal logic is → bivalent, that is it recognizes only two → truth values: → true and → false. The basic principles of formal logic are: 1) → principle of identity, 2) → principle of excluded middle, and 3) → principle of non-contradiction. See also → symbolic logic, → fuzzy logic.

formal; → logic.

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