An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 161 Search : sol

Fr.: résolu   

Separated and made visible in an → image or → spectral feature. → resolved line.

Past participle of → resolve.

resolved line
  خط ِ واگشوده   
xatt-e vâgošudé

Fr.: raie résolue   

A → spectral line that is not contaminated by other nearby lines.

resolved; → line.

resolving power
  توان ِ واگشود   
tavân-e vâgošud

Fr.: pouvoir de résolution, pouvoir séparateur   

A measure of an optical system's ability to produce an image which separates two points or parallel lines on the object.

Resolving verbal adj. of → resolve; → power.

saturated solution
  لویش ِ انجالیده   
luyeš-e anjâlidé

Fr.: solution saturée   

A solution which can exist in equilibrium with excess of solute. The saturation concentration is a function of the temperature.

saturate; → solution.

Schwarzschild solution
  لویش ِ شو‌آرتسشیلد   
luyeš-e Schwarzschild

Fr.: solution de Schwarzschild   

The first exact solution of → Einstein's field equations that describes the → space-time geometry outside a spherical distribution of mass.

Briefly following Einstein's publication of → General Relativity, Karl Schwarzschild discovered this solution in 1916 (Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Phys.-Math. Klasse, 189); → Schwarzschild black hole.

singular solution
  لویش ِ تکین   
luyeš-e takin

Fr.: solution singulière, ~ particulière   

Of partial differential equations, the solution which cannot be obtained from the general solution by particular choice of arbitrary functions. → general solution; → particular solution.

singular; → solution.

small solar system body
  جسم ِ کوچک ِ راژمان ِ خورشیدی   
jesm-e kucak-e râžmân-e xoršidi

Fr.: petit corps du système solaire   

A term introduced by the → International Astronomical Union (August 2006) to name the → solar system bodies other than → planets and → dwarf planets. Small solar system bodies include → asteroids, → comets, and → meteoroids.

small; → solar; → system; → body.


Fr.: jour solaire martien   

The solar day on Mars, which has a mean period of 24 hours 39 minutes 35.244 seconds (based on SI units), about 2.7% longer than Earth's solar day. The Martian sidereal day, as measured with respect to the fixed stars, is 24h 37m 22.663s, as compared with 23h 56m 04.0905s for Earth.

Sol, from L. sol "sun," cognate with Pers. hur, → Sun.

xoršidi (#)

Fr.: solaire   

Of or pertaining to the Sun.

Adjective from L. sol; → Sun.

solar abundance
  فراوانی ِ خورشیدی   
farâvâni-ye xoršidi

Fr.: abondance solaire   

solar photospheric abundance, → solar system abundance.

solar; → abundance.

solar activity
  ژیرندگی ِ خورشید   
žirandegi-ye xoršid

Fr.: activité solaire   

The general term for all forms of short-lived phenomena on the Sun, including → solar flares, → sunspots, → prominences, etc., indicating that the Sun is an active star.

solar; → activity.

solar activity cycle
  چرخه‌ی ِ ژیرندگی ِ خورشید   
carxe-ye žirandegi-ye xoršid

Fr.: cycle d'activité solaire   

Same as the → solar cycle.

solar activity; → cycle.

solar analog
  آناگوی ِ خورشید   
ânâgu-ye xoršid

Fr.: analogue du soleil   

A member of a class of unevolved or slightly evolved → Population I disk stars with an → effective temperature, degree of evolution, → metallicity, and kinematic property not very different from those of the Sun. See also → solar-like star; → solar twin.

solar; → analogue.

solar antapex
  پادچکاد خورشیدی   
pâdcakâd-e xoršidi

Fr.: antiapex solaire   

The apparent direction (in the constellation → Columbia) away from which the Sun is moving in its orbit around the center of the Galaxy. → solar apex.

solar; → antapex.

solar apex
  چکاد ِ خورشیدی   
cakâd-e xoršidi

Fr.: apex solaire   

The point on the celestial sphere toward which the Sun is apparently moving relative to the → local standard of rest. Its position, in the constellation → Hercules, is approximately R.A. 18h, Dec. +30°, close to the star → Vega. The velocity of this motion is estimated to be about 19.4 km/sec (about 4. AU/year). As a result of this motion, stars seem to be converging toward a point in the opposite direction, the → solar antapex.

solar; → apex.

solar axial tilt
  گرای ِ آسه‌ی ِ خورشید   
gerâ-ye âse-ye xoršid

Fr.: inclinaison de l'axe du Soleil   

The angle between the Sun's → rotation axis and perpendicular to the → ecliptic plane. In other words, the inclination of the Sun's → equator with respect to the → ecliptic plane. It is 7.25 degrees.

solar; → axial; → tilt.

solar calendar
  گاهشمار ِ خورشیدی   
gâhšomâr-e xoršidi (#)

Fr.: calendrier solaire   

A calendar based on the apparent yearly motion of the Sun on the → celestial sphere. The year is usually reckoned with respect to the → vernal equinox, approximately for example in the case of the → Gregorian calendar and accurately in the case of the → Iranian calendar.

solar; → calendar.

solar constant
  پایای ِ خورشیدی   
pâypa-ye xoršidi (#)

Fr.: constante solaire   

The amount of solar radiation in all wavelengths received per unit of time per unit of area on a theoretical surface perpendicular to the Sun's rays and at Earth's mean distance from the Sun. Its mean value is 1367.7 W m-2 or 1.37 × 106 erg sec-1 cm-2. In other words, the solar constant is the mean → solar irradiance on the outer atmosphere when the Sun and Earth are spaced at 1 → astronomical unit. See also: → solar luminosity.

solar; → constant.

solar corona
  هورتاج، تاج ِ خورشیدی   
hurtâj, tâj-e xoršid (#)

Fr.: couronne solaire   

The outermost atmosphere of the Sun immediately above the → chromosphere, which can be seen during a total solar eclipse. It consists of hot (1-2 × 106 K), extremely tenuous gas (about 10-16 g cm-3) extending for millions of kilometer from the Sun's surface.

solar; → corona.

solar cycle
  چرخه‌ی ِ خورشیدی   
carxe-ye xoršidi (#)

Fr.: cycle solaire   

The periodic variation in frequency or number of solar active events (→ sunspots, → prominences, → flares, and other solar activity) occurring with an interval of about 11 years. The solar cycle was discovered in 1843 by Samuel Heinrich Schwabe (1789-1875), a German apothecary and amateur astronomer, who after 17 years of observations noticed a periodic variation in the average number of sunspots seen from year to year on the solar disk. Solar cycle numbering goes back to the 18-th century, when the Cycle 1 peak occurred in 1760. Cycle 23 peaked in 2000, and the following Cycle 24 will reach its maximum in 2013.

solar; → cycle.

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