An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < -ge Gal gal Gal gam gas Gau gen gen geo geo geo gia glo gol gra gra gra gra gre gri gui > >>

Number of Results: 438
genitive case
  کاته‌ی ِ دارشتی   
kâte-ye dârešti

Fr.: genetif   

The → grammatical case that marks a noun or pronoun typically expressing "possession" or "origin." In English, the genitive case of a noun is shown in writing by adding an s together with an appropriately positioned apostrophe or creating it by using the pronoun of. For instance: "John's house," or "the house of John." A → synthetic language would express the same idea by putting the name "John" in the genitive case. Also called → possessive case.

From O.Fr. genitif or directly from L. (casus) genitivus "case expressing possession, source, or origin," from genitivus "of or belonging to birth," from genitus, p.p. of gignere "to beget, produce," → generate; → case.

Dârešti, → possessive; kâté, → case..

  ۱) فرهوش؛ ۲) فرهوشی   
1) farhuš; 2) farhuši

Fr.: génie   

1) An exceptionally intelligent person or one with exceptional skill in a particular area of activity.
2) Exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability (Oxford Dictionaries).

From L. genius "tutelary deity or genius of a person;" originally "generative power," from gignere "beget, produce," → generate.

Farhuš, from far- intensive prefix "much, abundant; elegantly," → perfect, + huš, → intelligence. Farhuši, from farhuš + -i.

nežâdkoši (#)

Fr.: génocide   

The deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group (

From Gk. genos "race, kind," → generate, + → -cide.

Nežâdkoši, from nežâd, → race, + koši, → -cide.

sardé (#)

Fr.: genre   

1) Biology: The usual major subdivision of a family or subfamily in the classification of organisms, usually consisting of more than one species.
2) Logic: A class or group of individuals, or of species of individuals.
3) A kind; sort; class (

From L. genus "race, stock, kind, gender;" cognate with Gk. genos "race, kind," and gonos "birth, offspring, stock," → generate.

Sardé, from Mid.Pers. sardag "sort, kind;" Av. sarrəδa- "kind, type."

zamin- (#)

Fr.: géo-   

A combining form meaning "the earth," used in the formation of compound words.

Geo-, form Gk. ge "earth, land, ground, soil."

Zamin, zami "earth, ground," from Mid.Pers. zamig "earth;" Av. zam- "the earth;" cf. Skt. ksam; Gk. khthôn, khamai "on the ground;" L. homo "earthly being" and humus "the earth" (as in homo sapiens or homicide, humble, humus, exhume); PIE root *dh(e)ghom "earth."

zamin-markazi (#)

Fr.: géocentrique   

1) Relating to, measured from, or with respect to the center of the Earth.
2) Having the earth as a center. → geocentric coordinate system, → Geocentric Coordinate Time, → geocentric cosmology, → geocentric parallax, → geocentric system.

geo- + → center + -ic an adjective-forming suffix.

geocentric coordinate system
  راژمان ِ هماراها‌ی ِ زمین‌مرکزی   
râžmân-e hamârâhâ-ye zamin-markazi

Fr.: système de coordonnées géocentriques   

A coordinate system which has as its origin the center of the Earth.

geocentric; → coordinate; → system.

Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG)
  زمان ِ همارا‌ی ِ زمین‌مرکزی   
zamân-e hamârâ-ye zamin-markazi

Fr.: Temps coordonné géocentrique   

The proper time experienced by a clock at rest in a coordinate frame co-moving with the center of the Earth, i.e. a clock that performs exactly the same movements as the Earth but is outside the Earth's gravity well. TCG was defined in 1991 by the International Astronomical Union as one of the replacements for Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB).

geocentric; → coordinate; → time.

geocentric cosmology
  کیهان‌شناسی ِ زمین‌مرکزی   
keyhân-šenâsi-ye zamin-markazi (#)

Fr.: cosmologie géocentrique   

A model of the Universe in which the Earth is centrally located and the Sun, planets, and stars revolve around the Earth.

geocentric; → cosmology.

geocentric latitude
  ورونای ِ زمین-مرکزی   
varunâ-ye zamin-markazi

Fr.: latitude géocentrique   

The angle between the geocentric location vector and the → geodetic equator.

geocentric; → latitude.

geocentric longitude
  درژنای ِ زمین-مرکزی   
derežnâ-ye zamin-markazi

Fr.: longitude géocentrique   

The same as → geodetic longitude.

geocentric; → longitude.

geocentric parallax
  دیدگشت ِ زمین‌مرکزی   
didgašt-e zamin-markazi

Fr.: parallaxe géocentrique   

The difference between the direction of an object as seen from a point on the surface of the Earth and the direction in which it would be seen from the Earth's center. Also known as → diurnal parallax.

geocentric; → parallax.

geocentric system
  راژمان ِ زمین‌مرکزی   
râžmân-e zamin-markazi

Fr.: système géocentrique   

An ancient model of the Universe whereby all the celestial bodies travel around the Earth in circular orbits. Eudoxus of Cnidus (c. 390- c. 337 BC), one of Plato's pupils, maintained that all objects in the sky are attached to moving crystalline spheres, with the Earth at the centre. This model is often named → Ptolemaic system after its most famous supporter, the Greco-Roman astronomer Ptolemy.

geocentric; → system.

  زمین-شیمیک، زمین-شیمیایی   
zamin-šimik, zamin-šimiyâyi

Fr.: géochimique   

Of or relating to → geochemistry.

geochemistry; → -al.


Fr.: géochimie   

A field of science that is concerned with the relative abundance, distribution, and the movement of → chemical elements in the → Earth's crust or other → solar system objects.

geo-; → chemistry.

zamin-tâj (#)

Fr.: géocouronne   

The outermost part of Earth's atmosphere, a tenuous halo of hydrogen and some helium extending out to perhaps 15 Earth radii. It emits at the → Lyman alpha line (wavelength 121 nm) caused by → resonant scattering of solar → ultraviolet.

geo- + → corona.

  کهین‌ره، زمین‌سنجیک   
kehinrah, zamin-sanjik

Fr.: géodésique   

1) The shortest distance between two points in space (or → space-time). A geodesic on a sphere is an → arc of a → great circle. In the theory of → general relativity, freely falling bodies follow geodesic paths in space-time.
2) → geodetic.

From Fr. géodésique, → geodesy; → -ic.

Kehinrah "shortest path," from kehin, superlative of keh "small, little, slender" (related to kâstan, kâhidan "to decrease, lessen, diminish," from Mid.Pers. kâhitan, kâstan, kâhênitan "to decrease, diminish, lessen;" Av. kasu- "small, little;" Proto-Iranian *kas- "to be small, diminish, lessen") + râh "path, way, road" (from Mid.Pers. râh, râs "way, street," also rah, ras "chariot;" from Proto-Iranian *rāθa-; cf. Av. raθa- "chariot;" Skt. rátha- "car, chariot," rathyā- "road;" L. rota "wheel," rotare "to revolve, roll;" Lith. ratas "wheel;" O.H.G. rad; Ger. Rad; Du. rad; O.Ir. roth; PIE base *roto- "to run, to turn, to roll").

geodesic line
  خط ِ کهین‌ره   
xatt-e kehinrah

Fr.: ligne géodésique   

The shortest line between two points on a surface. Also called → geodesic.

geodesic; → line.

geodesic precession
  پیشایان ِ کهین‌رهی   
pišâyân-e kehinrahi

Fr.: précession géodésique   

geodesic precession.

geodesic; → precession

zamin-sanji (#)

Fr.: géodésie   

The study and measurement of the shape, size, and curvature of the Earth.

From Fr. géodésie, from Gk. geodaisia, from → geo- + dai(ein) "to divide" + -sia, variant of -ia a noun suffix.

Zamin-sanji, from zamin, → geo-, + sanji, from sanjidan "to measure; to compare," from Mid.Pers. sanjidan "to weigh," from present tense stem sanj-, Av. θanj- "to draw, pull;" Proto-Iranian *θanj-. Other terms from this base in Pers.: lanjidan "to pull up," hanjidan, âhanjidan "to draw out," farhang "education, culture."

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