An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 225 Search : for
  ۱) دیس، دیسه؛ ۲) دیسیدن؛ ۳) دیساندن   
1) dis, disé (#); 2) disidan (#); 3) disândan (#)

Fr.: 1) forme; 2) se former; 3) former   

1) (n.) General: The shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material.
Philosophy: The structure, pattern, organization, or essential nature of anything. Structure or pattern as distinguished from matter.
Logic: The abstract relations of terms in a proposition, and of propositions to one another.
2) (v.intr.) of form.
3) ( of form.

From O.Fr. forme, from L. forma "form, mold, shape, case," origin unknown.

1) Dis, disé "form, appearance," variants -diz, -diš (tandis "body form, like a body; effigy;" mâhdis "moon-like;" šabdiz "night color; a horse of dark rusty color;" andiš- "to think, contemplate"), from Mid.Pers. dêsag "form, appearance," dêsidan "to form, build;" Av. daēs- "to show," daēsa- "sign, omen;" cf. Skt. deś- "to show, point out;" PIE *deik- "to show" (cf. Gk. deiknumi "to show," dike "manner, custom;" L. dicere "to utter, say;" O.H.G. zeigon, Ger. zeigen "to show;" O.E. teon "to accuse," tæcan "to teach").
2) and 3) corresponding infintives of dis, as above.

  دیسه‌ای، دیسه‌ور   
diseyi, disevar

Fr.: formel   

1) According to, or following established or prescribed forms, conventions, etc.
2) Math., logic: Of a proof, in strict logical form with a justification for every step.
3) Math., logic: Of a calculation, correct in form; made with strict justification for every step; of or pertaining to manipulation of symbols without regard to their meaning.
4) → formal language.
5) → formal logic.

M.E. formal, formel, from L. formalis, from → form + → -al.

Diseyi, desevar, from dis, → form, + adj. suffixes -i and -var.

formal language
  زبان ِ دیسه‌ور   
zabân-e disevar

Fr.: langage formel   

A language designed for use in situations in which natural language is unsuitable, as for example in → mathematics, → logic, or → computer  → programming. The symbols and formulas of such languages stand in precisely specified syntactic and semantic relations to one another (

formal; → language.

formal logic
  گوییک ِ دیسه‌ای، ~ دیسه‌ور   
guyik-e diseyi, ~ disevar

Fr.: logique formelle   

The traditional or → classical logic in which the → validity or → invalidity of a conclusion is deduced from two or more statements (→ premises). Based on Aristotle's (384-322 BC) theory of → syllogism, systematized in his book "Organon," its focus is not on what is stated (the content) but on the structure (form) of the → argument and the validity of the inference drawn from the premises of the argument; if the premises are true then the logical consequence must also be true. Formal logic is → bivalent, that is it recognizes only two → truth values: → true and → false. The basic principles of formal logic are: 1) → principle of identity, 2) → principle of excluded middle, and 3) → principle of non-contradiction. See also → symbolic logic, → fuzzy logic.

formal; → logic.

formal system
  راژمان ِ دیسه‌ور   
râžmân-e diseyi, ~ disevar

Fr.: système formel   

In logic and mathematics, a system in which statements can be constructed and manipulated with logical rules.

formal; → system.

formaldehyde (H2CO)

Fr.: formaldehyde   

A colorless gas with a pungent, suffocating odor used as an adhering component of glues in many wood products. Formaldehyde (H2CO) is obtained most commonly by the oxidation of methanol or petroleum gases such as methane, ethane, etc.
In the → interstellar medium, formaldehyde is formed the surface of → dust grains. It is then converted into gas phase by → photodesorption. H2CO was the first → organic molecule discovered in the ISM (Lewis E. Snyder et al. 1969, Phys. Rev. Lett., 22, 679).

From form(ic) acid, from Fr. formique, + → aldehyde.


Fr.: formalisme   

1) Excessive adherence to prescribed forms.
2) Math., Logic: → Formalized expression of a set of elements; the nature of such expression.
3) A philosophical view of mathematics in which mathematics, including the logic used in proofs, can be based on the formal manipulation of symbols irrespective of their meaning.

From → formal + → -ism.


Fr.: formalité   

1) Condition or quality of being formal; accordance with required or traditional rules, procedures, etc.
2) Strict adherence to established rules and procedures (

formal; → -ity.


Fr.: formalisation   

1) The act of giving something a form or structure by introducing rules and procedures.
2) The act of formalizing.

formalize; → -tion.

  دیسه‌ور کردن، دیسه‌وریدن   
disevar kardan, disevaridan

Fr.: formaliser   

1) To state in symbolic form; to give a definite structure to.
2) To give something legal or formal status.

From → formal + → -ize.

Compound verb, from disevar, → formal, + kardan "to do, to make;" Mid.Pers. kardan; O.Pers./Av. kar- "to do, make, build;" Av. kərənaoiti "he makes;" cf. Skt. kr- "to do, to make," krnoti "he makes, he does," karoti "he makes, he does," karma "act, deed;" PIE base kwer- "to do, to make."

  ۱) دیسار؛ ۲) دیساریدن   
1) disâr; 2) disâridan

Fr.: 1) format; 2) formater   

1) General: The way in which something is presented, organized, or arranged.
Publishing: The shape and size of a book, magazine, or newspaper, including the typeface, binding, quality of paper, margins, etc.
Computers: The structure or arrangement of digital data in a specific type of file. A computer program accepts data as input in a certain format, processes it, and provides it as output in the same or another format.
2) Computers: To prepare a storage medium, usually a disk, for reading and writing.

From Fr. format, from Mod.L. liber formatus "a book formed" (in such and such a way), referring to shape, size; from formatus p.p. of formare "to form," → form.

1) Disâr, from dis, → form + -âr contraction of âvar agent noun of âvardan "to bring; to cause, produce" (Mid.Pers. âwurtan, âvaritan; Av. ābar- "to bring; to possess," from prefix ā- + Av./O.Pers. bar- "to bear, carry," bareθre "to bear (infinitive)," bareθri "a female that bears (children), a mother;" Mod.Pers. bordan "to carry;" Skt. bharati "he carries;" Gk. pherein; L. fero "to carry").
2) Infinitive from dis, → form.


Fr.: formation   

1) The act or process of forming or the state of being formed, such as → star formation.
2) Geology: A laterally continuous rock unit with a distinctive set of characteristics that make it possible to recognize and map from one → outcrop or well to another. The basic rock unit of stratigraphy.

Verbal noun of → form, + -ate + -ion.

Diseš, verbal noun of disidan, → from dis-, → form, + -eš.


Fr.: formatage   

The process of preparing a hard disk or other storage medium for use by an operating system. Before a hard disk can be used, it needs to be formatted so that it will be able to store files and applications.

format; → -ing.

formic acid (HCOOH)
  اسید فورمیک   
asid formik (#)

Fr.: acide formique   

A colorless, corrosive fuming liquid with pungent odor. It occurs in various plants and in the venom of many ant species. Used in dyeing, tanning, and electroplating. Also called methanoic acid. HCOOH is the simplest organic acid and the first identified in the interstellar medium (Zuckerman et al. 1971, ApJ, 163, L41). It has been observed principally in star-forming regions such as Orion KL, Sgr B2, Sgr A, and W51 and is associated with → hot molecular cores and → massive star formation. Recently, it has also been shown to be present in some → hot corinos associated with formation of stars similar to our Sun. Due to the presence of carboxyl radical (COOH), it plays an important role in the pathway formation of → prebiotic molecules like amino acids, in the interstellar clouds and comets (see, e.g., Lattanzi et al. 2008, ApJS 176, 536).

From L. formica "ant," ultimately from from PIE *morwi-, *wormiko- "ant;" cf. Av. maoiri-; Mid.Per. môr; Pers. mur, murcé "ant;" Skt. vamra- "ant;" Gk. murmeks, wormikas; O.C.S. mraviji; O.Ir. moirb; O.N. maurr.


Fr.: formule   

1) Physics, Math.: A statement of facts in a symbolical or general form, by substitution in which a result applicable to particular data may be obtained.
2) Chemistry: An expression of the constituents of a compound by symbols and figures.

From L. formula "form, rule, method, formula," literally "small form," from forma, → form, + → -ule diminutive suffix.

Disul, from dis, → form, + -ul, → -ule.


Fr.: formuler   

To express in precise → form; state definitely or systematically. To reduce to or express in a → formula.

Verbal form of → form.


Fr.: formulation   

1) The act or process of formulating.
2) A particular expression of an idea, thought, or theory.
3) Something prepared according to a → formula.

formulate; → -tion.

Kuré (#)

Fr.: Fourneau   

The Chemical Furnace. A faint → constellation in the southern sky, representing a chemist's furnace. Its brightest star, Alpha Fornacis, is a double of magnitudes 4.0 and 6.5. Abbreviation: For; genitive: Fornacis.

L. fornax "oven, kiln," related to fornus, furnus "oven," and to formus "warm," from PIE base *ghworm-/*ghwerm- "warm" (cf. Mod./Mid.Pers. garm "warm;" O.Pers./Av. garəma- "hot, warm;" Skt. gharmah "heat;" Gk. thermos "warm;" cf. O.E. wearm; O.H.G., Ger. warm).
Fornax was created and named by Abbé Nicolas Louis de Lacaille (1713-1762) in honor of Antoine Lavoisier, the French chemist, who was guillotined in the French Revolution in 1794. He created it out of several faint stars in the constellation → Eridanus.

Kuré "furnace;" Tabari kalə "furnace," kəlen "ash;" Laki koira; Kurd. kulan, kulandan "to cook;" Laki koira; Kurd. kulan, kulandan "to cook;" related to garm "warm;" cf. Skt. ghar- "to burn;" E. kiln "furnace, oven," from L. culina "cooking stove, kitchen;" PIE root *gwher- "to warm, be warm," → warm.

Fornax cluster
  خوشه‌ی ِ کوره   
xuše-ye kuré

Fr.: amas de Fourneau   

The second richest → cluster of galaxies within 100 million light-years, although it is much smaller than the → Virgo cluster.

Fornax; → cluster.

cehel (#)

Fr.: quarante   

A cardinal number, ten times four.

M.E. fourti, O.E. feowertig, from feower, → four, + tig "group of ten" (cf. O.S. fiwartig, Du. veertig, O.H.G. fiorzug, Ger. vierzig, Goth. fidwor tigjus.

Cehel (short form cel); Mid.Pers. cehel "forty;" Av. caθwarəsa(n)t- "forty," from caθwar-, → four, + sant-, sat "ten;" cf. Skt. catvārimśát- "forty."

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