An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 44 Search : logic
geologic time
  زمان ِ زمین‌شناختی   
zamân-e zaminšenâxti (#)

Fr.: temps géologique   

The long span of time from the end of the formation of Earth during which our planet underwent its major transformations.

geologic; → time.

hydrologic cycle
  چرخه‌ی ِ آب‌شناسیک، ~ آب‌شناختی   
carxe-ye âbšenâsik (#), ~ âbšenâxti (#)

Fr.: cycle hydrologique   

The vertical and horizontal transport of water in all its states between the earth, the atmosphere, and the seas; often called the water cycle.

Hydrologic, pertaining to → hydrology; → cycle.

  گوییک، چمگوییک   
guyik, cemguyik (#)

Fr.: logique   

1) The science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
2) The system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study.
3) A particular method of reasoning or argumentation.

M.E. logik; O.Fr. logique, from L. (ars) logica, from Gk. logike (techne) "reasoning (art)," from feminine of logikos "pertaining to speaking or reasoning," from logos "reason, idea, word."

Guyik, from guy- present stem of goftan "to say, speak, relate, tell; to compose a poem," from Mid.Pers. guftan "to say, tell, utter;" O.Pers. gaub- "to say" + -ik, → -ic.
Cemguyik, from Mid.Pers. cimgôwâgih "logic," from cim "cause, reason, meaning" (Proto-Iranian *cahmāt "what for;" cf. Skt. kasmāt "why, where from," kim "what") + gôwâgih Mod.Pers. guyi, as above.

logic diagram
  نمودار ِ گوییکی   
nemudâr-e guyiki

Fr.: diagramme logique   

A diagram that uses special symbols called logic symbols to represent the detailed functioning of electronic logic circuits. The symbols do not represent the type of electronics used, but only their functions.

logic; → diagram.

  گوییک، گوییکی، گوییکوار   
guyik, gyuiki, guyikvâr

Fr.: logique   

1) According to or agreeing with the principles of logic.
2) Reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, as a person or the mind.
3) Of or pertaining to logic (

logic; → -al.

logical connective
  هابندار ِ گوییکی   
hâbandâr-e guyiki

Fr.: connecteur logique   

A symbol that can be combined with one or more → sentences in order to form a new sentence. For example "and" (∧), "or" (∨) "not" (¬), "if-then" (→), and "iff" (⇔).

logical; → connective.

logically equivalent
  گوییکانه هموگ‌ارز   
guyikâné hamug-arz

Fr.: logiquement équivalent   

Describing two → compound propositions → if and only if they have the same → truth table.

logical; → equivalent.

meteorological observation
  نپاهش ِ هواشناختی   
napâheš-e havâšenâxti

Fr.: observation météorologique   

Evaluation or measurement of one or more meteorological elements.

Meteorological, of or pertaining to → meteorology; → observation.

meteorological observatory
  نپاهشگاه ِ هواشناختی   
nepâhešgâh-e havâšenâxti

Fr.: observatoire météorologique   

A scientific establishment dedicated to making precise and detailed meteorological observations and to studying and forecasting atmospheric phenomena by means of special equipments.

Meteorological, of or pertaining to → meteorology; → observatory.

Milne cosmological model
  مدل ِ کیهان‌شناختی ِ میلن   
model-e keyhânšenâxti-ye Milne (#)

Fr.: modèle cosmologique de Milne   

Same as → Milne Universe.

Milne Universe; → cosmological; → model.

rixtšenâxti (#)

Fr.: morphologique   

Of or relating to → morphology. Same as morphological

morphology; → -ic.

rixtšenâxti (#)

Fr.: morphologique   

Of or relating to → morphology. Same as morphological

morphologic; → -al.

morphological classification
  رده‌بندی ِ ریخت‌شناختی   
radebandi-ye rixtšenâxti (#)

Fr.: classification morphologique   

A classification scheme of galaxies based on their apparent shape. → Hubble classification.

morphological; → classification.

perfect cosmological principle
  پروز ِ کیهان‌شناسیک ِ فرساخت   
parvaz-e keyhânšenâsik-e farsâxt

Fr.: principe cosmologique parfait   

The → assumption, adopted by the → steady-state theory, that all observers, everywhere at all times, would view the same large-scale distribution of matter in the → Universe in all regions and in every direction. In contrast to the → cosmological principle, the perfect cosmological principle adds the assumption that the Universe does not change with time on the large scale.

perfect; → cosmological; → principle.

polyvalent logic
  گوییک ِ بل-ارز   
guyik-e bol-arz

Fr.: logique polyvalente   

A system of logic with more than two → truth values, as opposed to → classical logic. A polyvalent logic may have a continuous scale of values with → true and → false as limiting → extremes.

polyvalent; → logic.

predicate logic
  گوییک ِ فراسنی، ~ فراسنها   
guyik-e farâsani, ~ farâsanhâ

Fr.: logique des prédicats   

The generic term for systems of → formal logic like → first-order logic and → second-order logic. Predicate logic contains → variables which can be quantified (→ quantify, → quantification).

predicate; → logic.

propositional logic
  گوییک ِ گزاره‌ای، ~ گزاره‌ها   
guyik-e gozâre-yi, ~ gozaarehâ

Fr.: logique propositionnelle   

A branch of logic that deals with the → truth values of logical statements (→ sentences, → propositions) and uses → logical connectives to build more complex → expressions. The distinctive feature of propositional logic is that it does not deal with logical relationships and properties that involve the parts of a statement smaller than the simple statements making it up. The propositions are evaluated as → true or → false. A more expressive system is provided by the → first-order logic.

proposition; → -al; → logic.

second-order logic
  گوییک ِ رایه‌ی ِ دوم   
guyik-e râye-ye dovom

Fr.: logique du seconde ordre   

An n extension of → first-order logic that quantifies not only → variables that range over → individuals, but also quantifies over → relations.

second; → order; → predicate; → logic.

sentential logic
  گوییک ِ سهانی   
guyik-e sahâni

Fr.: logique des propositions, ~ phrastique   

Same as → propositional logic.

sentential; → logic.

symbolic logic
  گوییک ِ نمادین   
guyik-e nemâdin

Fr.: logique symbolique   

A modern development of → formal logic based on a system of → symbols and → axiomatics in accordance with precise rules. It uses a formalized → artificial language to avoid the ambiguities and logical inadequacies of → natural languages. Symbolic logics are → polyvalent when they admit → truth values other than → true and → false.

symbolic; → logic.

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