An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 83 Search : non
nonlinear instability
  ناپایداری ِ ناخطی   
nâpâydâri-ye nâxatti

Fr.: instabilité non-linéaire   

The instability of a physical or mathematical system that arises from the nonlinear nature of relevant variables and their interactions within the system.

nonlinear; → instability.

nonlinear system
  راژمان ِ ناخطی   
râžmân-e nâxatti

Fr.: système non-linéaire   

A system in which small changes can result in large effects, and large changes in small effects.

nonlinear; → system.


Fr.: non-linéarité   

The property, condition, or state of being → nonlinear.

non-; → linearity.

nonrising star
  ستاره‌ی ِ همیشه‌پنهان   
setâre-ye hamiše penhân (#)


A star that is never seen above the horizon from a given position. These stars are located between the celestial pole and a diurnal circle with an angular distance larger than the altitude of the pole.

Nonrising, from → non- + rising adj. of → rise; → star.

Setâré, → star; hamiše penhân, literally "always hidden," coined by Biruni (A.D. 973-1050) in his at-Tafhim, from hamišé "always" (Mid.Pers. hamêšag "always") + penhân "hidden."

jafang (#)

Fr.: non sense   

Word or language having no meaning. → absurd.

non- + → sense.

Jafang "nonsense, futile."

nonsetting star
  ستاره‌ی ِ همیشه‌پیدا   
setâre-ye hamiše peydâ (#)


A star that is always seen above the horizon from a given position. These stars are located between the celestial pole and a diurnal circle with an angular distance smaller than the altitude of the pole. Same as → circumpolar star.

Nonsetting, from → non- + setting adj. of → set; → star.

Setâré, → star; hamiše peydâ literally "always visible," coined by Biruni (A.D. 973-1050) in his at-Tafhim, from hamišé "always," → perpetual, + peydâ, → visible.

nonsingular matrix
  ماتریس ِ ناتکین   
mâtris-e nâtakin

Fr.: matrice non singulière   

A → square matrix that is not a → singular matrix.

non-; → singular; → matrix.


Fr.: non thermique   

See also → non-thermal.

non-; → thermal.

nonthermal escape
  گریز ِ ناگرمایی   
goriz-e nâgarmâyi

Fr.: échappement non thermique   

Same as → suprathermal escape.

non-; → thermal; → escape.


Fr.: non visqueux   

Fluid mechanics: Having no → viscosity. Same as → inviscid.

From → non- + → viscous.

Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem
  فربین ِ نمونان‌گیری ِ نیکویءیست-شانون   
farbin-e nemunân-giri-ye Nyquist-Shannon

Fr.: théorème d'échantillonnage de Nyquist-Shannon   

The minimum number of resolution elements required to properly sample a signal, such as a star image, without causing erroneous effects known as aliasing. For electronic imaging, this number is generally taken as 2 pixels across the seeing disk diameter at the half intensity points. Also called → Shannon's sampling theorem and → sampling theorem.

Named after Harry Nyquist (1889-1976), a Swedish-born American physicist, who made important contributions to information theory, and Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001), an American mathematician and pioneer of information theory; → theorem.

padidé (#)

Fr.: phénomène   

1) An occurrence, circumstance, or fact, in matter or spirit, which can be perceived by human senses. → physical phenomenon.
2) Philosophy: For Kant, a thing as it is apprehended by the human senses as distinguished from a noumenon, or thing-in-itself.

From L.L. phænomenon, from Gk. phainomenon "that which appears or is seen," from phainesthai "to appear," passive of phainein "to bring to light; to show," from PIE base *bhhā- "to shine;" cf. Skt. bhāati "shines, glitters;" Av. bā- "to shine, appear, seem," bāmya- "light, luminous, bright," bānu- "light, ray;" Mid.Pers. bâm "beam of light, splendor," bâmik "brilliant," bâmdâd "morning, dawn."

Padidé, noun from padid "manifest, evident, conspicuous, in sight," variant padidâr, from Mid.Pers. pad didâr "visible," from pad "to, at, for, in," evolved to "to; for; in; on; with; by" in Mod.Pers. (O.Pers. paity; Av. paiti "to, toward, in, at;" cf. Skt. práti, Gk. poti) + did past stem of didan "to see, regard, catch sight of, contemplate, experience" (O.Pers. dī- "to see;" Av. dā(y)- "to see," didāti "sees;" cf. Skt. dhī- "to perceive, think, ponder; thought, reflection, meditation," dādhye; Gk. dedorka "have seen").

fonon (#)

Fr.: phonon   

A quantum of vibrational or acoustic energy in a crystal lattice, being the analog of a photon of electromagnetic energy.

phono- + → -on.

physical phenomenon
  پدیده‌ی ِ فیزیکی   
padide-ye fiziki (#)

Fr.: phénomène physique   

A natural → phenomenon that can be explained by → physical laws.

physical; → phenomenon.

principle of non-contradiction
  پروز ِ ناپادگویی   
parvaz-e nâpâdguyi

Fr.: principe de non-contradiction   

The third principle of → formal logic introduced in Aristotle's theory of the → syllogism: No statement can be both → true and → false at the same time. Also called → law of non-contradiction.

principle; → non-; → contradiction.

pycnonuclear reaction
  واژیرش ِ چگال‌هسته‌ای   
vâžireš-e cagâl-hasteyi

Fr.: réaction pycnonucléaire   

A nuclear reaction that takes place at high densities and relatively low temperatures. Pycnonuclear reactions are almost temperature independent and occur even at zero temperature. These reactions are extremely slow at densities typical for normal stars but intensify with increasing density. For example, carbon burns into heavier elements at densities over 1010 g cm-3.

Pycnonuclear, from pycno- a combining form meaning "dense, thick," from Gk. pyknos "dense, solid" + → nuclear; → reaction.

Vâžireš, → reaction; cagâl-hasteyi, from cagâl, → dense, + hasteyi, → nuclear.

Shannon entropy
  درگاشت ِ شانون   
dargâšt-e Shannon

Fr.: entropie de Shannon   

information entropy.

Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001), an American mathematician and pioneer of → information theory; → entropy.

Shannon's sampling theorem
  فربین ِ نمونان‌گیری ِ شانون   
farbin-e nemunân-giri-ye Shannon

Fr.: théorème d'échantillonnage de Shannon   

Same as → sampling theorem.

Shannon entropy; → sampling; → theorem.

super-canonical star
  ستاره‌ی ِ ابر-هنجاروار   
setâre-ye abar-hanjârvâr

Fr.: étoile super-canonique   

A star whose mass exceeds the → canonical upper limit of the stellar → initial mass function (Kroupa et al. 2012, arXiv:1112.3340).

super-; → canonical; → star.


Fr.: synonyme   

Grammar: A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language. Opposite of → antonym.

From L. synonymum, from Gk. synonymon "word having the same sense as another," from synonymos "having the same name as, synonymous," from → syn- "together, same" + onyma, → name.

Hamcem, from ham-, → syn-, + cem, → meaning.

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