An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < 206 che exi inc Las per Rie ten > >>

Number of Results: 153 Search : ten
Riemann curvature tensor
  تانسور ِ خمیدگی ِ ریمان   
tânsor-e xamidegi-ye Riemann

Fr.: tenseur de courbure de Riemann   

A 4th → rank tensor that characterizes the deviation of the geometry of space from the Euclidean type. The curvature tensor Rλμνκ is defined through the → Christoffel symbols Γλμν as follows: Rλμνκ = (∂Γλμκ)/(∂xν) - (∂Γλμν)/(∂xκ) + ΓημκΓλην - ΓημνΓληκ.

Riemannian geometry; → curvature; → tensor.

scalar-tensor theory
  نگره‌ی ِ مرپلی-تانسوری   
negare-ye marpel-tânsori

Fr.: théorie scalaire-tensorielle   

An alternative to the standard → general relativity of gravity that contains not only the → tensor field (or → metric), but also a → scalar field. In this formalism, the → gravitational constant is considered to vary over time. As a consequence, the measured strength of the gravitational interaction is a function of time. Same as → Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory.

scalar; → tensor; → theory.


Fr.: 1) phrase; 2) sentence   

1) Grammar: A grammatical unit of one or more words that expresses an independent statement, question, request, command, exclamation, etc., and that typically has a subject as well as a predicate, as in John is here. or Is John here? (
2) Law: An authoritative decision; a judicial judgment or decree, especially the judicial determination of the punishment to be inflicted on a convicted criminal: Knowledgeable sources say that the judge will announce the sentence early next week (

M.E., from O.Fr. sentence "judgment, decision; statement of authority," from L. sententia "thought, opinion; judgment," also "a thought expressed," from sentientem, p.p. of sentire "be of opinion, feel, perceive."

Sahân, related to soxan, → speech and pâsox, → response; Mid.Pers saxwan "speech, word;" O.Pers. θanh- "to declare, say;" Av. səngh- (sanh-) "to declare;" Proto-Ir. *sanh- "to declare, explain;" cf. Skt. śams- "to praise, recite;" L. censere "to estimate, think; decide;" PIE *kens- "to announce, proclaim" (Cheung 2007).


Fr.: phrastique   

Pertaining to or of the nature of a → sentence.

From L. sententi(a), → sentence, + → -al.

sentential logic
  گوییک ِ سهانی   
guyik-e sahâni

Fr.: logique des propositions, ~ phrastique   

Same as → propositional logic.

sentential; → logic.

skew-symmetric tensor
  تانسور ِ پاد-همامون   
tânsor-e pâdhamâmun

Fr.: tenseur antisymétrique   

A tensor that is the negative of its → transpose. For example, a second-order covariant tensor Ajk if its components satisfy the equality: Ajk = - Akj. Also called antisymmetric tensor.

skew; → symmetric; → tensor.

Tânsor, → tensor; pâd-, → anti-; hamâmun, → symmetric.

sound intensity
  درتنویی ِ صدا   
dartanuyi-ye sedâ

Fr.: intensité de son   

The average → sound power passing through a unit area perpendicular to the direction that the sound is traveling. It is usually expressed in watts per square meter.

sound; → level.

sound intensity level
  تراز ِ درتنویی ِ صدا   
tarâz-e dartanuyi-ye sedâ

Fr.: niveau de l'intensité de son   

The expression of sound intensity in decibel units. The sound intensity level (LI), in decibels, is computed as: LI = 10 log (I/I0), where I is the measured sound intensity and I0 is the reference intensity (1 x 10 -12 watt per square meter).

sound; → intensity; → level.

specific intensity
  درتنویی ِ آبیزه   
dartanuyi-e âbizé

Fr.: intensité spécifique   

A measure of the amount of radiation received per unit solid angle per unit time per unit area normally from an element of surface.

specific; → intensity.


Fr.: sous-tendre   

To be opposite and delimit the extent of an angle or side of a geometric figure.

From L. subtendere "to stretch beneath," from → sub- + tendere "to stretch," cognate with Pers. târ "string," tanidan "to weave," as below.

Zirtânidan from zir-, → sub-, + tânidan from tân "thread, warp of a web," tâl "thread" (Borujerdi dialect), târ "thread, warp, string," related to tur "net, fishing net, snare," from tanidan, tan- "to spin, twist, weave;" Mid.Pers. tanitan; Av. tan- "to stretch, extend;" cf. Skt. tan- to stretch, extend;" tanoti "stretches," tántra- "warp; essence, main point;" Gk. teinein "to stretch, pull tight;" L. tendere "to stretch, as above; Lith. tiñklas "net, fishing net, snare," Latv. tikls "net;" PIE base *ten- "to stretch."

subtended angle
  زاویه‌ی ِ زیرتانیده   
zâvie-ye zirtânidé

Fr.: angle sous-tendu   

An angle whose two sides pass through the endpoints of an arc.

Subtended p.p. of → subtend; → angle.

surface tension
  تنش ِ رویه‌ای   
taeš-e ruye-yi

Fr.: tension superficielle   

The inward → attraction of the → molecules at the → surface of a → liquid. The reason is that the molecules at the surface do not have other like molecules on all sides of them and consequently they cohere more strongly to those directly associated with them on the surface. Also called surface energy and capillary forces.

surface; → tension.

symmetric tensor
  تانسور ِ همامون   
tânsor-e hamâmun

Fr.: tenseur symétrique   

A tensor that is → invariant under any → permutation of its indices (→ index). In other words, a tensor that equals its → transpose. For example, a second-order → covariant tensor Ajk if its components satisfy the equality: Ajk = Akj.

symmetric; → tensor.

dah (#)

Fr.: dix   

A cardinal number, nine plus one.

M.E. ten(e), tenn(e), O.E. ten(e), tien(e); from P.Gmc. *tekhan (cf. O.S. tehan, O.N. tiu, Dan. ti, Du. tien, O.H.G. zehan, Ger. zehn "ten"), cognate with Pers. dah, as below.

Dah, from Mid.Pers. dah "ten;" Av. dasa "ten;" cf. Skt. dáśa- "ten;" Gk. deka "ten;" L. decem "ten;" O.Ir. deich; Lith. dešimtis "ten;" PIE base *dekm.


Fr.: tendu   

Stretched tight, as a cord, fiber, etc.; drawn taut; rigid.

From L. tensus, p.p. of tendere "to stretch," → tension.

Tanu "stretched, strained," from tan + -u suffix of excess. The first element tan, from tanidan "to spin, twist, weave" (Mid.Pers. tanitan; Av. tan- to stretch, extend;" cf. Skt. tan- to spin, stretch;" tanoti "stretches," tantram "loom;" Gk. teinein "to stretch, pull tight;" L. tendere "to stretch;" PIE base *ten- "to stretch"), Pers. târ "string," tân "thread," tur "fishing net, net, snare," and tâl "thread" (Borujerdi dialect) belong to this family; variants tanta "cobweb," tanadu, tafen, kartané, kârtané, kâtené, Pashtu tanistah "cobweb;" cf. Skt. tantu- "cobweb, thread, string").

taneši (#)

Fr.: extensible   

Of or pertaining to → tension.

From M.L. tensilis "capable of being stretched," from L. tensus, p.p. of tendere "to stretch," → tension.

Taneši, related to taneš, → tension.

tensile force
  نیروی ِ تنشی   
niruy-e taneši

Fr.: force de traction   

The force tending to stretch (or produce tension in) an object

tensile; → force.

taneš (#)

Fr.: tension   

General: The act of stretching or straining; the state of being stretched or strained.
Mechanics: The longitudinal deformation of an elastic body that results in its elongation.
Electricity: Voltage or potential; electromotive force.

M.E., from M.Fr. tension, from L. tensionem (nominative tensio) "a stretching," from tensus, p.p. of tendere "to stretch," cognate with Pers. taneš, as below.

Taneš, verbal noun from tanidan "to spin, twist, weave;" Mid.Pers. tanitan; Av. tan- to stretch, extend;" cf. Skt. tan- to spin, stretch;" tanoti "stretches," tantram "loom;" Gk. teinein "to stretch, pull tight;" L. tendere "to stretch;" PIE base *ten- "to stretch"), Pers. târ "string," tân "thread," tur "fishing net, net, snare," and tâl "thread" (Borujerdi dialect) belong to this family; variants tanta "cobweb," tanadu, tafen, kartané, kârtané, kâtené, Pashtu tanistah "cobweb;" cf. Skt. tantu- "cobweb, thread, string."

  تانسور، تانگر   
tânsor, tângar

Fr.: tenseur   

A system of numbers or functions where components obey a certain law of transformation when the variables undergo a linear transformation. A tensor may consist of a single number, in which case it is referred to as a tensor of order zero, or simply a → scalar. The tensor of order one represents a → vector. Similarly there will be tensors of order two, three, and so on.
See also:
absolute tensor, → calculus of tensors, → contravariant tensor, → covariant tensor, → Einstein tensor, → energy-momentum tensor, → metric tensor, → order of a tensor, → relative tensor, → Ricci tensor, → Riemann curvature tensor, → scalar-tensor theory, → skew-symmetric tensor, → symmetric tensor, → tensor analysis, → tensor contraction, → tensor density, → tensor field, → tensor perturbation, → tensor rank, → tensor-vector-scalar (TeVeS) theory, → weight of a tensor.

Agent noun of tense (v.) → tension.

tensor analysis
  آ نالس ِ تانسوری، ~ ِ تانگری   
ânâlas-e tânsori

Fr.: analyse tensorielle   

A method of calculation in higher mathematics based on the properties of tensors.

tensor; → analysis.

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