An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < 25 cou eru gro Lan pai Rus sup sup sup sup tid upp > >>

Number of Results: 254 Search : up
  ۱) آپره؛ ۲) آپریدن   
1) âporé; 2) âporidan

Fr.: supplément   

1a) A thing added to something else in order to complete, reinforce, or extend it.
1b) A separation section added to a book, document, etc., to supply additional or later information, or the like.
2a) To complete, add to, or extend by a supplement.
2b) To form a supplement or addition to.

From L. supplementum "that which fills up, that with which anything is made full or whole, something added to supply a deficiency," from supplere "to fill up, complete," from → sub- "up from below" + plere "to fill;" cognate with Pers. por, as below.

Âporidan, from prefix â- + por "full;" Mid.Pers. purr; O.Pers. paru- "much, many;" Av. parav-, pauru-, pouru-, from par- "to fill;" PIE *pelu- "full," from *pel- "to be full;" cf. Skt. puru-; Gk. polus; P.Gmc. *fullaz (O.H.G. fol, Ger. voll, Goth. full, O.E. full).

  آپرنده، آپره‌ای   
âporandé, âpore-yi

Fr.: supplémentaire   

Completing something or added as a supplement.

supplement; → -ary.

supplementary angle
  زاویه‌ی ِ آُپرنده   
zâviye-ye âporandé

Fr.: angle supplémentaire   

The angle that when added to a given angle makes 180°. → complementary angle.

supplementary; → angle.

  ۱) پادیر؛ ۲) پادیریدن   
1) pâdir; 2) pâdiridan

Fr.: 1) appui, soutien, support; 2) supporter, soutenir, être pour, appuyer   

1a) Something that serves as a foundation, prop, brace, or stay.
1b) The act or an instance of supporting.
2a) To bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
2b) To uphold (a person, cause, policy, etc.) by aid, countenance, one's vote, etc.; back (

M.E. supporten, from M.Fr. supporter, from L. supportare "convey, carry, bring forward," from → sub- "up from under" + portare "to carry."

Pâdir "a column supporting a building; a post supporting a wall."

  انگاشتن، انگاریدن   
engâštan, engâridan (#)

Fr.: supposer   

1) To assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory.
2) To consider (something) as a possibility suggested or an idea or plan proposed (

M.E. supposen, from O.Fr. supposer, from L. supponere "to put or place under," from → sub- "under" + ponere "to put, place," → position.

Engâštan, engâridan "to suppose," from Mid.Pers. (h)angârtan "to conside, to bear in mind, to regard as," from han, ham "together" → com- + kartan "to establish; to declare; to found;" Av. han-kârayeiti, from han-, ham- "together," + kar- "to remember; to impress on memory."


Fr.: supprimer   

1) To put down by authority or force.
2) To keep from public knowledge.
3) To restrain from a usual course or action. → suppression.

L. suppressus, p.p. of supprimere "to press down, stop, stifle," from → sub- "down, under" + premere "to press, push against," → express.

Nehâvidan, from ne-, → ni- "down, below," + hâvidan "to press," → express.


Fr.: suppression   

The act of suppressing; the state of being suppressed. → Compton suppression, → zero suppression.

suppress; → -tion.

  فراز، بالا، ابر-   
farâz, bâlâ, abar-

Fr.: supra-   

A prefix denoting "over, above, beyond, greater than."

From L. supra "above, over, before, beyond," → super-.

Farâz "above, up, upon," → height; bâlâ "above, up, high," → height; abar-, → super-.

supra-Eddington layer
  لایه‌ی ِ ابر-ادینگتونی   
lâye-ye abar-Eddingtoni

Fr.: couche super-eddingtonienne   

In some stellar models, particularly for evolved → massive stars, such as → red supergiants, → Luminous Blue Variables, and → Wolf-Rayet stars, an outermost layer of the stellar envelope where the luminosity might exceed the → Eddington limit. This is due to the → opacity peak produced by the variation in the ionization level of hydrogen in the outer → convective envelope, beneath the surface, of very luminous stars. The opacity peak generates supra-Eddington layers and density inversion. The high opacity decreases the Eddington luminosity in these layers, possibly to fainter levels than the actual stellar luminosity. As a result, the → radiative acceleration exceeds the → gravitational acceleration leading to → mass loss enhancement (see, e.g., A. Maeder, Physics, Formation and Evolution of Rotating Stars, Springer, 2009).

supra-; → Eddington limit; → layer.

supra-horizontal branch star
  ستاره‌ی ِ فراز ِ شاخه‌ی ِ افقی   
setâre-ye farâz-e šâxe-ye ofoqi

Fr.: étoile au-dessus de la branche horizontale   

A member of a rare class of objects found in → globular clusters to lie about one magnitude above and to the blue part of the → horizontal branch. These stars are identified as post → EHB stars on their way from to the → asymptotic giant branch.

supra-; → horizontal; → branch; → star.

suprathermal escape
  گریز ِ فرازگرمایی   
goriz-e farâzgarmâyi

Fr.: échappement suprathermal   

An → atmospheric escape mechanism that occurs where individual atoms or molecules in the atmosphere are raised to → escape velocity because of chemical reactions or ionic interactions. Same as → nonthermal escape (see, e.g., Catling, D. C. and Kasting, J. F., 2017, Escape of Atmospheres to Space, pp. 129-167. Cambridge University Press).

supra-; → thermal; → escape.


Fr.: suprême   

1) Highest in rank or authority.
2) Of the highest quality, degree, character, importance, etc.

M.E., from M.Fr. suprême, and directly from L. supremus "highest," superlative of superus "situated above," from super "above," → super-.

Abartom "highest," from abar "high, upon," → super-, + -tom superlative suffix, → extreme.

sweep-up radius
  شعاع ِ روبش   
šo'â'-e rubeš

Fr.: rayon de balayage   

The → radius of a → supernova remnant (SNR) when, at the end of the → free expansion phase, the mass of the swept-up → shell equals that of the ejected gas from the → supernova explosion. It is given by RSW = (3Me / 4πρ0)(1/3), where Me is the ejected mass and ρ0 is the initial density of the → interstellar medium.

Sweep, from M.E. swepen, from O.E. swapan "to sweep;" cognate with Ger. schweifen; → up; → radius.

Šo'â', → radius; rubeš, noun from ruftan, rubidan "to sweep," → scan.

symmetry group
  گروه ِ همامونی   
goruh-e hamâmuni

Fr.: groupe de symétrie   

A group of symmetry-preserving operations composed of all rigid motions or similarity transformations of some geometric object onto itself.

symmetry; → group.

thermal support
  پادیر ِ گرمایی   
pâdir-e garmâyi

Fr.: support thermique   

In star formation models, the gas pressure that counters the collapsing pull of gravity.

thermal; → support.

damâjoft (#)

Fr.: thermocouple   

Electrical circuit consisting of two dissimilar metals, in which an electromotive force is produced when the two junctions are at different temperatures.

thermo- + → couple.

thermonuclear supernova
  ابر-نو-اختر ِ گرماتوانیک   
abar-now-axtar-e garmâtavânik

Fr.: supernova thermonucléaire   

Same as → type Ia supernova

thermonuclear; → supernova.

third dredge-up
  برونکشید ِ سوم   
borunkešid-e sevom

Fr.: troisième dragage   

A → dredge-up process that occurs in the stellar interior during He shell burning, as in → asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. These stars consist of a degenerate carbon-oxygen core, surrounded by a helium-rich region, above which lies a hydrogen-rich convective envelope. Following thermal pulses of the helium-burning shell, the convective envelope moves inward in mass, penetrating the hydrogen-exhausted regions. This is known as third dredge-up. As convection moves inward, nuclear processed materials are carried to the surface.

third; → dredge-up.

tidal coupling
  جفسری ِ کشندی، جفتش ِ ~   
jafsari-ye kešandi, jofteš-e

Fr.: couplage par marées   

In a system composed of one celestial body orbiting another, the synchronization of the orbital and rotational motions of the two bodies under the action of → tidal forces. For example, Pluto is tidally coupled to its moon Charon. As for the → Earth-Moon system, billions of years from now, the Earth and the Moon will have the same period of rotation, and these will also exactly equal the orbital period of the Moon around the Earth. → tidal friction.

tidal; → coupling.

tidal disruption
  گسیخت ِ کشندی   
gosixt-e kešandi

Fr.: rupture par effet de marée   

The disruption of an extended astronomical object under the action of the → tidal forces exerted by another nearby object.

tidal; → disruption.

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