An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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<< < -ne nan nat nav nec Nep neu New New NGC nob nom non non nor nor nuc nuc nul nut > >>

Number of Results: 391

Fr.: nord   

1) Lying toward or situated in the → north.
2) North of the → celestial equator or of the → zodiac.

M.E., from O.E. norþerna, norðerne "northern," from norð "northern" + + -erne, suffix denoting direction

Hudari, relating to hudar, → north.

Northern Cross
  چلیپای ِ هودری   
calipâ-ye hudari

Fr.: Croix du Nord   

An arrangement of stars in the form of a cross in the constellation → Cygnus.

north; → cross.

northern hemisphere
  نیم‌سپهر ِ هودری   
nimsepehr-e hudari

Fr.: hémisphère nord   

The half of the → Earth or another → astronomical object between the → north pole and the → equator.

northern; → hemisphere.

  ۱) دماغ، بینی؛ ۲) دماغه   
1) damâq (#), bini (#); 2) damâqé (#)

Fr.: nez   

1) The part projecting above the mouth serving as the organ of breathing and smelling.
2) Something like a nose in shape or position, especially the front end of an → aircraft. See also → nozzle.

M.E.; O.E. nosu (O.N. nös; Du. neus; O.H.G. nasa; Ger. Nase); PIE root *nas- "nose;" cf. Skt. nasa-; Av. nāh-; O.Pers. nāham; L. nasus; O.C.S. nasu; Lith. nosis. See also → nostril.

1) Damâq, ultimately from Proto-Ir. *damaka-, from *damH- "to breathe, to blow;" cf. Pers. dam-, damidan "to breathe, to blow;" Av. dāδmainya- "blowing up;" cf. Skt. dahm- "to blow," dhámati "blows;" Gk. themeros "austere, dark-looking;" Lith. dumti "to blow;" PIE dhem-/dhemə- "to smoke, to blow."
Bini "nose;" Mid.Pers. wênig "nose" (Av. vaēna- "nose"), related to wên "breath;" cognate with jân "vital spirit, soul," → animate.
2) Damâqé, from damâq + nuance suffix .


Fr.: narine   

Either of the two external openings of the → nose; a naris.

M.E. nostrill, nosethirl, O.E. nosthyrl, literally "the hole of the nose," from nosu "nose"+ thyrel "hole."

Nâge, from (Fârs Province) Khuri nog, nug "nose," variants Sabzevâri nos, Shushtari, Bovir Ahmadi, Lori neft "nose;" Mid.Pers. nâk "nose;" cf. Sogd. nêc "nose, nostril" (from *nāhika-) O.Pers. nāh-, Av. nāh- "nose;" cognate with E. → nose.

  نه، نا، نی   
na, nâ, ni

Fr.: non; ne ... pas   

A → particle used to express → negation, → denial, refusal, or prohibition.

Not, variant of noht, naht "in no way," from O.E. nawiht "nothing" (from na "no, never" + whit "whit"), akin to Pers. na, nâ, as below.

Na "no, not," variants nâ, ni, ma- (prohibitive) "not;" from Mid.Pers. nê, ma "no, not;" O.Pers. naiy, nai "not;" Av. nôit, naē "not;" cf. Skt. "not;" cf. L. ne-, in-, un-; Gk. ni; Lith. ; O.C.S. ne "not;" E. not, as above; PIE *ne-.

namâdgân (#)

Fr.: notation   

Representation of numbers, quantities, or other entities by symbols; a system of symbols for such a purpose.

From L. notationem (nom. notatio) "a marking, explanation," from notatus, p.p. of notare "to note."

Namâdgân, from namâd, → symbol, + -gân suffix denoting order, organization, multiplicity.

not (#)

Fr.: note   

Musical sound of specified frequency (pitch) produced by a musical instrument, voice, etc.

From M.E., from O.F., from M.L. nota "sign for musical tone; mark, sign, lettering."

Not, loanword from Fr.

hic (#)

Fr.: rien   

1) No thing; not anything; naught.
2) Nonexistence; nothingness.

M.E., from O.E. nathing, nathinc, from nan "not one," → non-, + → thing.

Mid.Pers. hêc, hêc(i), hâca "any."

pendâré (#)

Fr.: notion   

A general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something.

From L. notio "concept, conception, idea," from noscere "to know," → knowledge.

Pendâré, noun from pendâštan "to imagine, consider, think," → imaginary number.


Fr.: nom   

A word or group of words that refers to a person, place, or thing or any syntactically similar word (Collins).

M.E. nowne; O.Fr. nom, non, from Latin nomen "name, noun," → name.

Nâmvâz "noun," from nâm, → name, + vâz "word," variants vâž, âvâz, vâj, vât, vâ, → voice.


Fr.: nourrir   

1) To sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; feed.
2) To strengthen, build up, or promote (

M.E., from O.Fr. norriss-, stem of norrir "raise, bring up, nurture, foster; maintain, provide for," from L. nutrire "to feed, nurse, foster, support, preserve," from *nutri, older form of nutrix "nurse,") literally "she who gives suck."

Fâridan, from the Fârs province dialects Sivandi fâr- and Xori fôr- "to eat," probably development of Proto-Ir. *hu- "to eat" (Av. xvar-, Pers. xordan, → feed) to f-, also Tajiki furt-, fə- "to gulp, swallow," maybe from a separate root (Cheung 2007).


Fr.: nourriture   

1) Something that nourishes; food, nutriment, or sustenance.
2) The act of nourishing. The state of being nourished (

M.E. norysshement, from M.Fr. norissement, → nourish, → -ment.

Fârmân, noun from fâridan (like sâzmân, sâxtemân, câymân, râžmân, and others).

  نووا، نو‌اختر   
novâ, now-axtar (#)

Fr.: nova   

A star that experiences a sudden increase in → luminosity, by a s much as 106. The → outburst ejects a shell of matter but does not disrupt the star.

Nova, from L. stella nova "new star," from stellastar + nova, fem. of novusnew.

Novâ, from now, → new; now-axtar "new star," from now, as above, + axtar, → astro-.

  نوال، رمان   
novâl, român (#)

Fr.: roman   

A fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity, portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential organization of action and scenes (

From It. novella (storia) "new kind of story," from L. novellus "new, young, recent," → new.

Novâl, from now, → new, + -âl, → -al. Român, from Fr. roman, from V.L. *romanice "in the manner of Romans."


Fr.: 1) bec; 2) tuyère   

1) Tha end part of a → pipe, → hose, or → tube through which a → stream of → fluid is directed.
2) A part in a → rocket → engine that accelerates the exhaust gases from the combustion chamber to a high → velocity.

M.E. noselle, diminutive of → nose.

Kalap "the beak of a bird" (Biruni, at-Tafhim), may be from *galap-, ultimately from Proto-Ir. *ui-lap-; cf. Mid.Pers. lap "lip," Mod.Pers. lab cognate with L. labium, E. lip.

nozzle throat
  گلو‌ی ِ کلپ   
galu-ye kalap

Fr.: col de tuyère   

The portion of a nozzle with the smallest → cross section.

nozzle; → throat.


Fr.: nuance   

1) A subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, etc.
2) A very slight difference or variation in color or tone (

From Fr. nuance "shade of color, hue," from nuer "to shade," from nue "cloud," from L. nubes "a cloud, mist, vapor," → nebula.

Sâgen, from Xoyini sâgené "shade, shadow," related to sâyé, → shadow.

haste-yi (#)

Fr.: nucléaire   

Of or pertaining to a → nucleus.

From nucle(us), → nucleus, + -ar variant of the adjective-forming suffix → -al.

Haste-yi, from hasté, → nucleus, + -i adjective-forming suffix.

nuclear barrier
  ورغه‌ی ِ هسته‌ای   
varqe-ye haste-yi (#)

Fr.: barrière nucléaire   

The region of high potential energy through which a charged particle must pass on entering or leaving an atomic nucleus. → Gamow barrier.

nuclear; → barrier.

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