An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 58 Search : ستان

Fr.: académique   

1) Of or relating to a college, academy, school, or other educational institution, especially one for higher education.
2) Pertaining to areas of study that are not primarily vocational or applied, as the humanities or pure mathematics.
3) Theoretical or hypothetical; not practical, realistic, or directly useful (

academy; → -ic.


Fr.: académicien   

A member of an association or institution for the advancement of arts, sciences, or letters.

From Fr. académicien, from académic-, → academic, + -ian a suffix forming adjectives and nouns.

Farhangestânvand, from farhangestân, → academy, + -vand a suffix forming adjectives and agent nouns, → actual.

farhangestân (#)

Fr.: académie   

1) A group of authorities and leaders in a field of scholarship, art, etc., who are often permitted to dictate standards, prescribe methods, and criticize new ideas.
2) An association or institution for the advancement of art, literature, or science (

From Fr. Académie, from L. Academia, from Gk. Akademeia "grove of Akademos," a legendary Athenian of the Trojan War tales, whose estate, six stadia from Athens, was the enclosure where Plato taught his school.

Farhangestân, literally "site of culture and education," from farhang, → culture, + -estân suffix of place and time, → summer.


Fr.: archéoastronomie   

The study that deals with the astronomical knowledge of prehistoric peoples (season events, calendars, observing sites, astronomical alignments) and its influence on their cultures and societies (mythologies, religions, life). Archaeoastronomy covers the intersection between astronomy and archaeology. Same as → astroarchaeology, megalithic astronomy.

Archeoastronomy, from L. archaeo-, archeo "ancient; earlier; primitive," from Gk. arkhaio-, from arkhaios "ancient" + → astronomy.

Bâstânaxtaršenâsi, from bâstân "ancient" + axtaršenâsi, → astronomy.

  اخترباستان‌شناسی، باستان‌اخترشناسی   
axtarbâstânšenâsi(#) , bâstânaxtaršenâsi (#)

Fr.: astroarchéologie   

Same as → archaeoastronomy, megalithic astronomy.

  ۱) هم‌ایستان، هاجوهش؛ ۲) هاجوهش   
1) hamistân, hâjuheš; 2) hâjuheš

Fr.: conjonction   

1) A position of two bodies in the → solar system when they have the same → celestial longitude, seen from the Earth. The bodies can be a → planet and the → Sun, two planets or the → Moon and a planet. The → superior planets are in conjunction with the Sun, when, seen from the Earth, they are right behind the Sun. The → inferior planets, such as Mercury and Venus, have two conjunctions with the Sun: → inferior conjunction, when they are between the Earth and the Sun, and → superior conjunction, when they are on the other side of the Sun.
2) Logic: A → proposition of the form "A and B" (A ∧ B), where A and B are themselves propositions. For example, if A is "It is 8 O'clock" and B is "We are late," then AB is "It is 8 O'clock and we are late." A and B are called → conjuncts. The conjunction of A and B is → true only if A and B are both true.
3) Grammar: A word that connects words, phrases, or clauses, or sentences. Examples are: and, or, but, because, however, neither.

M.E. conjunccio(u)n, from O.Fr. conjonction, from L. conjunctionem, p.p. of conjugare "to join together," from → com- "together" + jugare "to join," from jugum "yoke," from PIE *yeug- "to join;" Av. yaog- "to yoke, put to; to join, unite;" Mid.Pers. jug, ayoxtan "to join, yoke;" Mod.Pers. yuq "yoke," variant juh, → yoke; Skt. yugam "yoke;" Hittite yugan "yoke;" Gk. zygon "yoke," zeugnyanai "to join, unite;" O.C.S. igo; O.Welsh iou; Lith. jungas; O.E. geoc.

Hamistân "standing together," from ham- "together," → com- + istân "standing," from istâdan "to stand" (cf. Skt samstha "an assembly"), Mid.Pers. êstâtan, O.Pers./Av. sta- "to stand, stand still; set," Av. hištaiti, cf. Skt. sthâ- "to stand," Gk. histemi "put, place, weigh," stasis "a standing still," L. stare "to stand."
Hâjuheš, from hâ-, variant of ham-, → com-, + juh "yoke," as above.

heat wave
  چله‌ی ِ تابستان   
celle-ye tâbestân (#)

Fr.: canicule   

Meteorology: A period of several successive days of abnormally hot and usually humid weather occurring in summer.

heat; → wave.

Celle-ye tâbestân literally "the fortieth of summer," i.e. "midsummer," from cellé pertaining to "forty (days)," from cel, cehel, → forty, + tâbestân, → summer.

  مرتوگان‌دوست؛ مرتوگان‌دوستانه   
martugândust, martugândustâné

Fr.: humanitaire   

Having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people (

humanity + -arian a suffix forming nouns and adjectives, from -ari(us) or -ary + -an.

Martugândust, literally "friend/lover of humanity," from martugân, → humanity, + dust "friend," Mid.Pers. dôst "friend," dôšidan "to love, like, choose;" O.Pers. dauštā- "friend;" Av. zuš- "to take pleasure;" PIE root *geus- "to taste, like, choose;" cf. Skt. jos- "to like, enjoy;" Gk. geuomai, L. gustus "taste, enjoyment" (Cheung 2007).

impact winter
  زمستان ِ برخورد   
zemestân-e barxord

Fr.: hiver par impact   

The enormous drop in temperature and the related effects of the shrouding of Earth with soot and dust particles after the planet is struck by a sizable comet or asteroid. Such a phenomenon is believed to have killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

impact; → winter.

inferior conjunction
  هم‌ایستان ِ زیرین   
hamistân-e zirin

Fr.: conjonction inférieure   

The conjunction of an inferior planet with the Sun when the planet is between the Sun and the Earth. → superior conjunction.

inferior; → conjunction.


Fr.: intéressant   

Inspiring interest, holding the attention.

Adj. from → interest.

  نستان، نستنده   
nastân, nastandé

Fr.: manquant   

Absent; wanting; deficient.

lack; → -ing.

local standard of rest
  استانده‌ی ِ محلی ِ آرم   
estânde-ye mahali-ye âram

Fr.: standard local de repos   

A frame of reference that turns around the Galactic center at a velocity and a distance which are the mean values for the stars in the solar neighborhood. In this reference system the stars belonging to the solar neighborhood are statistically at rest. The orbital velocity of the Local Standard of Rest around the Galaxy is about 220 km/sec.

local; → standard; → rest.

mountain climate
  کلیمای ِ کوهستان   
kelimâ-ye kuhestân (#)

Fr.: climat de montagne   

Climate of relatively high elevations, specifically where optical observatories are situated.

mountain; → climate.

  ۱، ۲) پادیست؛ ۳، ۴) پادیستان   
1, 2) pâdist; 3, 4) pâdistân

Fr.: opposition   

1) The action of opposing, resisting, or combating.
2) A person or group of people opposing, criticizing, or protesting something, someone, or another group (
3) The position of a solar system body having its orbit outside that of the Earth when the Earth is in a line between the Sun and the body. At opposition the body has a solar → elongation of 180°, and is closest to the Earth. It will, in principle, be visible throughout the night. It will rise in the east as the Sun sets in the west and it will set as the Sun rises. This is because, at opposition, the body and the Sun are 12 hours apart. The inner planets can never be in opposition. The opposite of opposition is → conjunction.
4) Two periodic quantities of the same frequency are said to be in opposition when the → phase difference between them is one half of a → period.

Verbal noun of → oppose.

Pâdist "standing against," from pâd- "agaist, contrary to," → anti-, + ist present stem of istâdan "to stand" (Mid.Pers. êstâtan, O.Pers./Av. sta- "to stand; to set;" Av. hištaiti; cf. Skt. sthâ- "to stand;" Gk. histemi "put, place, weigh," stasis "a standing still;" L. stare "to stand;" Lith. statau "place;" Goth. standan; PIE base *sta- "to set, stand").
Pâdistân, from pâdist + -ân suffix of place and time.


Fr.: préliminaire   

Preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory (

From Fr. préliminaire, from M.L. praeliminaris, from L. prae- "before," → pre-, + limen "threshold."

Pišâstâni, literally "before the threshold," from piš, → pre-, + âstâni, of or pertaining to âstân, → threshold.


Fr.: primaire, principal   

1) First or highest in rank or importance; chief; principal.
2) Abbreviation for → primary body, → primary star, or → primary mirror.

M.E., from L. primarius "of the first rank, principal," from primus "first."

Naxostân, from naxost, from Mid.Pers. naxust "the first," Parthian Mid.Pers. nxwšt, from naxu, Manichean Parthian nwx "beginning" + -ist superlative suffix, Av. -išta-, cf. Skt. -istha-, Gk. -istos, O.H.G. -isto, -osto, O.E. -st, -est, -ost.

primary body
  جسم ِ نخستان   
jesm-e naxostân

Fr.: corps principal   

The body that is being orbited; such as the → Sun in the → solar system. As regards → multiple star systems, the most massive, or → primary star. See also: → secondary body.

primary; → body.

primary cell
  پیل ِ نخستان   
pil-e noxostân


A → cell in which the electrochemical action producing the current is not normally reversible. Such a cell cannot be recharged by an electric current. → secondary cell.

primary; → cell.

primary cosmic rays
  پرتوهای ِ کیهانی ِ نخستان   
partowhâ-ye keyhâni-ye naxostân

Fr.: rayons cosmiques primaires   

The → cosmic rays which arrive on the Earth's → atmosphere from the outer space. The primary cosmic rays are very high energy → protons and to a lesser extent heavier nuclei which rain upon the Earth from all diretions in the outer space. They contain about 90% protons, 7% → alpha particles and about 1% still heavier nuclei of amost all the atoms from Li to Ni ( → mass number< 60). See also: → secondary cosmic rays.

primary; → cosmic; → ray.

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