An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 61 Search : gene
general secretary
  هروین دبیر   
harvin dabir

Fr.: secrétaire général   


general; → secretary.

  هروین‌کرد، هروینش   
harvinkard, harvineš

Fr.: généralisation   

The act or process of generalizing; → generalize.
A result of this process; a general statement, proposition, or principle.

Verbal noun of → generalize.

  هروین کردن، هروینیدن   
harvin kardan, harvinidan

Fr.: généraliser   

To make general, to include under a general term; to reduce to a general form.
To infer or form a general principle, opinion, conclusion, etc. from only a few facts, examples, or the like.

general; → -ize.


Fr.: généralisé   

Made general. → generalized coordinates; → generalized velocities.

P.p. of → generalize

generalized coordinates
  هماراهای ِ هروینیده   
hamârâhâ-ye harvinidé

Fr.: coordonnées généralisées   

In a material system, the independent parameters which completely specify the configuration of the system, i.e. the position of its particles with respect to the frame of reference. Usually each coordinate is designated by the letter q with a numerical subscript. A set of generalized coordinates would be written as q1, q2, ..., qn. Thus a particle moving in a plane may be described by two coordinates q1, q2, which may in special cases be the → Cartesian coordinates x, y, or the → polar coordinates r, θ, or any other suitable pair of coordinates. A particle moving in a space is located by three coordinates, which may be Cartesian coordinates x, y, z, or → spherical coordinates r, θ, φ, or in general q1, q2, q3. The generalized coordinates are normally a "minimal set" of coordinates. For example, in Cartesian coordinates the simple pendulum requires two coordinates (x and y), but in polar coordinates only one coordinate (θ) is required. So θ is the appropriate generalized coordinate for the pendulum problem.

generalized; → coordinate.

generalized forces
  نیروهای ِ هروینیده   
niruhâ-ye harvinidé

Fr.: forces généralisées   

In → Lagrangian dynamics, forces related to → generalized coordinates. For any system with n generalized coordinates qi (i = 1, ..., n), generalized forces are expressed by Fi = ∂L/∂qi, where L is the → Lagrangian function.

generalized; → force.

generalized momenta
  جنباک‌های ِ هروینیده   
jonbâkhâ-ye harvinidé

Fr.: quantité de mouvement généralisée   

In → Lagrangian dynamics, momenta related to → generalized coordinates. For any system with n generalized coordinates qi (i = 1, ..., n), generalized momenta are expressed by pi = ∂L/∂q.i, where L is the → Lagrangian function.

generalized; → momentum.

generalized velocities
  تنداهای ِ هروینیده   
tondâhâ-ye harvinidé

Fr.: vitesses généralisées   

The time → derivatives of the → generalized coordinates of a system.

generalized; → velocity.


Fr.: générer   

To bring into existence; create; produce.
Math.: To trace (a figure) by the motion of a point, straight line, or curve.

Generate, from M.E., from L. generatus "produce," p.p. of generare "to bring forth," from gener-, genus "descent, birth," akin to Pers. zâdan, Av. zan- "to give birth," as explained below.

Âzânidan, from â- nuance/strengthening prefix + zân, from Av. zan- "to bear, give birth to a child, be born," infinitive zazāite, zāta- "born;" Mod.Pers. zâdan, present stem zā- "to bring forth, give birth" (Mid.Pers. zâtan; cf. Skt. jan- "to produce, create; to be born," janati "begets, bears;" Gk. gignomai "to happen, become, be born;" L. gignere "to beget;" PIE base *gen- "to give birth, beget") + -idan infinitive suffix.


Fr.: génération   

1) A coming into being.
2) The → production of → energy (→ heat or → electricity).

Verbal noun of → generate.

  آزاننده، آزانشی   
âzânandé, âzâneši

Fr.: génératif   

1) Capable of producing or creating.
2) Pertaining to the production of offspring.

generate; → -ive.


Fr.: générateur   

1) A machine for converting one form of energy into another.
2) Geometry: That which creates a line, a surface, a solid by its motion.

From L. generator "producer," from genera(re)generate + -tor a suffix forming personal agent nouns from verbs and, less commonly, from nouns.

Âzângar, from âzân the stem of âzânidangenerate + -gar suffix of agent nouns, from kar-, kardan "to do, to make" (Mid.Pers. kardan; O.Pers./Av. kar- "to do, make, build," Av. kərənaoiti "makes;" cf. Skt. kr- "to do, to make," krnoti "makes," karma "act, deed;" PIE base kwer- "to do, to make").

  ژنتیک، ژنتیکی   
ženetik (#), ženetiki (#)

Fr.: génétique   

Pertaining or according to → genetics or → genes.

From Gk. genetikos, from genesis "origin," → gene; → -ic.

ženetik (#)

Fr.: génétique   

The study of heredity and inheritance, of the transmission of traits from one individual to another, of how genes are transmitted from generation to generation.

From → genetic and → -ics.


Fr.: hétérogénéité   

The quality or state of being → heterogeneous. See also → homogeneity, → inhomogeneity.

Noun from → heterogeneous.


Fr.: hétérogène   

1) Composed of parts of different kinds; having widely dissimilar elements or constituents. See also → homogeneous, → inhomogeneous.
2) Chemistry: A mixture that does not have uniform composition and properties throughout; composed of different substances or the same substance in different phases.

hetero- + -genous, → homogeneous.

hamgeni (#)

Fr.: homogénéité   

State or quality of having a uniform appearance or composition, being homogeneous

homogeneous + → -ity.

hamgen (#)

Fr.: homogène   

1) Of uniform composition or having a common property throughout.
2) Math.: Of the same kind so as to be commensurable. Of the same degree or dimension. → anisotropic homogeneous cosmological model, → homogeneous fluid, → homogeneous linear differential equation, → homogeneous Universe, → homogeneous turbulence, → inhomogeneous, → nonhomogeneous, → nonhomogeneous linear differential equation.

Homogeneous, from M.L. homogeneus, from Gk. homogenes "of the same kind," from homos "same," → homo-, + genos "race, kind," gonos "birth, offspring," from PIE base *gen-/*gon-/*gn- "to produce, beget, be born," cf. Av. zan- "to bear, give birth to a child, be born," infinitive zazāite, zāta- "born," zana- "race" (in sruuô.zana- "belonging to the race of the horned ones"), O.Pers. zana- "tribe" (in paru-zana- "consisting of many tribes"), Skt. janati "begets, bears," jana- "creature, human being, race, tribe, people;" L. genus "race, stock, kind," gignere "to beget."

Hamgen "of the same kind, like each other; friend, partner," from ham-, → homo-, + gen "kind," O.Pers./Av. zana- "race; tribe," cognate with L. genus, as above). Alternatively, gen may be a variant of Mid./Mod.Pers. gôn/gun "kind, type; manner; color, skin color," from Av. gaona- "hair, hair color, color."

homogeneous fluid
  شارّه‌ی ِ همگن   
šârre-ye hamgen (#)

Fr.: fluide homogène   

A fluid with uniform properties throughout, but meteorologists sometimes designate as homogeneous a fluid with constant density.

homogeneous, → fluid.

homogeneous linear differential equation
  هموگش ِ دگرسانه‌ای ِ خطی همگن   
hamugeš-e degarsâne-yi-ye xatti hamgen

Fr.: équation différentielle linéaire homogène   

A → linear differential equation if the right-hand member is zero, Q(x) = 0, on interval I.

homogeneous; → linear; → differential; → equation.

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