An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 47 Search : velocity
phase velocity
  تندای ِ فاز   
tondâ-ye fâz

Fr.: vitesse de phase   

The speed at which any fixed phase (individual wave) in a → wave packet travels. It is expressed as vph = ω/k, where ω is the → angular frequency and k the → wave number. See also the → group velocity.

phase; → velocity.

projected rotational velocity
  تندای چرخشی ِ فراشانده   
tondâ-ye carxeši-ye farâšândé

Fr.: vitesse rotationnelle projetée   

The → angular velocity of a star deduced from the → rotational broadening of its → spectral lines. It is expressed as v sini, where i is the → inclination of the rotational axis with respect to the normal to the → plane of the sky. The real equatorial rotational velocity can be determined only if the inclination of the rotational axis is known.

Projected, p.p. of → project; → rotational; → velocity.

radial velocity
  تندای ِ شعاعی   
tondâ-ye šo'â'i

Fr.: vitesse radiale   

The component of a three-dimensional velocity vector of an object directed along the line of sight. It is measured by examining the Doppler shift of lines in the spectrum of astronomical objects.

radial; → velocity.

radial velocity curve
  خم ِ تندای ِ شعاعی   
xam-e tondâ-ye šo'â'i

Fr.: courbe de vitesse radiale   

A curve describing the variation of the radial velocity of a star, due to the Doppler effect, under the gravitational effect of a secondary body (companion or exoplanet). The amplitude of these variations depends upon the mass of the secondary and its distance from the star.

radial velocity; → curve.

radial velocity method
  روش ِ تندای ِ شعاعی   
raveš-e tondâ-ye šo'â'i

Fr.: méthode de vitesses radiales   

The technique based on the analysis of the → radial velocity curve, used to detect the presence of an invisible secondary around a host star. This method holds the majority of exoplanet discoveries.

radial velocity; → method.

recession velocity
  تندای ِ دورشدن   
tondâ-ye dur šodan

Fr.: vitesse d'éloignement   

The velocity with which an object moves away from another object or a reference point.

recession; → velocity.

relative velocity
  تندای ِ بازانی   
tondâ-ye bâzâni

Fr.: vitesse relative   

For two objects A and B, the velocity which B, supposing itself at rest, assigns to A.

relative; → velocity.

relativistic velocity
  تندای ِ بازانیگی‌مند   
tondâ-ye bâzânigimand

Fr.: vitesse relativiste   

The velocity of a body when it is a significant fraction of the → speed of light.

relativistic; → velocity.

rotational velocity
  تندای ِ چرخشی   
tondâ-ye catxeši

Fr.: vitesse de rotation   

The velocity of a → rotational motion; same as → angular velocity.

rotational; → velocity.

solar velocity
  تندای ِ خورشید، ~ خورشیدی   
tondâ-ye xoršid, ~ xoršidi

Fr.: vitesse solaire   

The rate of change of the Sun's position with respect to the local standard of rest toward the → solar apex.

solar; → velocity.

space velocity
  تندای ِ فضایی   
tondâ-ye fazây

Fr.: vitesse spatiale   

The velocity of a star relative to the Sun.

space; → velocity.

tangential velocity
  تندای ِ سایانی   
tondâ-ye sâyâni

Fr.: vitesse tangentielle   

1) The instantaneous linear velocity of a body moving in a circular path. It is equal to the → angular velocity multiplied by the radius: vt = ωr.
3) The component of the velocity of an object, such as a star, that is at right-angles to the observer's → line of sight; also known as transverse velocity. See also → radial velocity.

tangential; → velocity.

terminal velocity
  تندای ِ پایانی   
tondâ-ye pâyâni

Fr.: vitesse terminale   

1) The constant maximum velocity reached by a body falling under gravity through a liquid or gas, especially the atmosphere. The body ceases to accelerate downward because the force of gravity is equal to the opposing force of resistance by the medium.
2) The velocity acquired at the end of a body's motion.
3) The velocity attained by → stellar wind at very large distance from the star. The material that escapes from the outer layers of the stars is accelerated outward from a small radial velocity at the → photosphere of the star, to some high velocity at large distance from the star. The theory of → radiation-driven winds predicts that the terminal velocity scales with the → escape velocity as: v  ≅ 2-3 vesc. The winds of hot → O stars experience fast acceleration and reach 80% of their terminal velocity near the star (some 3 R*). The terminal velocity ranges from about 10 km s-1 for a cool → supergiant star to 3000 km s-1 for a luminous hot star. Terminal velocities are quite accurately measured from the violet trough of saturated → P Cygni line profiles in the ultraviolet (mainly N V λ1239, C IV λ1548, Si IV λ1394).

terminal; → velocity.

transverse velocity
  تندای ِ تراگذر   
tondâ-ye tarâgozar

Fr.: vitesse transverse   

Same as → tangential velocity.

transverse; → velocity.

vector angular velocity
  بردار ِ تندای ِ زاویه‌ای   
bordâr-e tondâ-ye zâviye-yi

Fr.: vecteur de vitesse angulaire   

Of a rotating body, a vector of magnitude ω (→ angular velocity) pointing in the direction of advance of a right-hand screw which is turned in the direction of rotation.

vector; → angular; → velocity.


Fr.: vitesse   

The time rate of change of position in a given direction, measured as length per unit time. → speed.

L. velocitatem (nominative velocitas) "swiftness, speed," from velox (genitive velocis) "swift."

Tondâ, from tond "swift, rapid, brisk; fierce, severe" (Mid.Pers. tund "sharp, violent;" Sogdian tund "violent;" cf. Skt. tod- "to thrust, give a push," tudáti "he thrusts;" L. tundere "to thrust, to hit" (Fr. percer, E. pierce, ultimately from L. pertusus, from p.p. of pertundere "to thrust or bore through;" PIE base *(s)teud- "to thrust, to beat") + noun suffix .

velocity curve
  خم ِ تندا   
xam-e tondâ

Fr.: courbe de vitesse   

A plot of the radial velocity of an object against time, derived from the Doppler shift of spectral lines.

velocity; → curve.

velocity dispersion
  پاشش ِ تندا   
pâšeš-e tondâ

Fr.: dispersion de vitesses   

The → standard deviation of a velocity → distribution. It indicates how objects of the sample move relative to one another. Objects with similar velocities have a small velocity dispersion, whereas objects with very different velocities have a large velocity dispersion.

velocity; → dispersion.

velocity gradient
  زینه‌ی ِ تندا   
zine-ye tondâ

Fr.: gradient de vitesse   

Fluid Mechanics: The rate at which the velocity changes with the distance across the flow. When a fluid flows past a stationary wall, the fluid right close to the wall does not move. However, away from the wall the flow speed is not zero. Therefore a velocity gradient exists, which is due to adhesive, cohesive, and frictional forces. The amount of the velocity gradient is characteristic of the fluid.

velocity; → gradient.

velocity law
  قانون ِ تندا   
qânun-e tondâ

Fr.: loi de vitesse   

In the theory of → radiation-driven winds, an equation that describes the behavior of the → wind velocity of → hot stars as a function of distance from the star. This velocity β-law is given by the expression: v(r) = v(1 - R*/r)β, where v is the → terminal velocity, R* is the stellar radius, and r the distance from the center. For → O-type stars, the exponent is estimated to be β = 0.8.

velocity; → law.

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