CCD si-si-di (#) Fr.: CCD |
CCD array ârast-e sisidi Fr.: détecteur CCD bidimensionnel A CCD detector having two dimensions. |
CCD detector âškârgar-e sisidi (#) Fr.: détecteur CCD |
CCD frame tak-tasvir-e sisidi Fr.: image CCD One of a series of astronomical images obtained using a CCD detector in particular for calibration purposes. |
CCD gain bahre-ye CCD Fr.: gain de CCD In a → CCD detector, the ratio of the initial number of electrons in a → pixel to the final number of → analog-to-digital units (or counts) reported by camera software. For example, a gain of 1.8 e-/count means that the camera produces 1 count for every 1.8 recorded electrons. |
CCD shutter bastâr-e si-si-di, bastâvar-e ~ Fr.: obturateur CCD A mechanical device of a CCD camera that controls the duration of a an exposure, as by opening and closing to allow the stellar light to expose the CCD detector. Shutter, from to shut, from O.E. scyttan from W.Gmc. *skutjanan + → -er. |
charge-coupled device (CCD) dastgâh-e jafsari-ye bâr, sisidi Fr.: dispositif à transfert de charge A solid-state detector that stores the electrons, produced by incident photons, in potential wells at the surface of a semiconductor. The packages of charge are moved about the surface by being transferred to similar adjacent potential wells. The wells are controlled by the manipulation of voltage applied to surface electrodes. |