Jacobian Jacobi Fr.: jacobien → Jacobian determinant, → Jacobian matrix. Named after Karl Gustav Jacobi (1804-1851), a German mathematician who did important work on elliptic functions, partial differential equations, and mechanics. The "Jacobian" first appeared in an 1815 paper of the French mathematician Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789-1857), but Jacobi did write a detailed memoir about it in 1841. |
Jacobian determinant âtarmgar-e Jacobi Fr.: déterminant jacobien The determinant of a → Jacobian matrix formed by the n2 → partial derivative s of n functions of n variables. → Jacobian; → determinant. |
Jacobian matrix mâtris-e Jacobi Fr.: matrice jacobienne In → vector calculus, the matrix of all → first-order partial derivatives of a vector-valued → function. |