Rigel (β Ori) Rejl (#) Fr.: Rigel The brightest star in the constellation → Orion (visual magnitude 0.18). A → blue supergiant of type B8 Iab with an initial mass of 17 solar masses, Rigel is 773 light-years away, and actually shines with the light of 40,000 Suns. It is accompanied by a fairly bright, seventh magnitude companion nine seconds of arc apart. The companion is itself double, the components much fainter and much less massive → main sequence stars of type B. Rigel "foot," short for Ar. rijl al-jauza' ( Rejl, from Ar., as above. |
Rigel Kentaurus Pâ-ye Kentawros Fr.: Rigil Kentaurus Same as the star → Alpha Centauri. From Ar. Rijl al-Qanturis "foot of Centaurus," from rijl "foot," + Qanturis Arabicized → Centaurus. Pâ-ye Kantawros, "foot of Centaurus," from pâ, → foot, + Kentawros, → Centaurus. |