ad- Fr.: ad- Prefix meaning "to, toward, addition to, near," from L. ad "to, toward." It is modified to ac- or af- or ag- or al- etc. according to the following consonant. Cognate with E. at, from O.E. æt "near, by, at"; compare with O.N., Goth. at, O.Fris. et, O.H.G. az, Skt. adhi "near," PIE *ad- "to, near, at". |
broad-band photometry šidsanji-ye pahn-bând Fr.: photométrie à bande large Photometric measurements carried out through filters with a band-width (about one-tenth the central wavelength) in the range 30-100 nm. Typical examples are Johnson photometry, Krons-Cousins RI photometry, and the six-color system. → broad; → band; → photometry. |
broad-line radio galaxy (BLRG) radio kahkašân-e pahn-xatt Fr.: galaxie radio à raies larges A radio galaxy that shows broad optical emission lines. → broad-line region. → broad; → line; → radio galaxy. |
broad-line region (BLR) nâhiye-ye pahn-xatt Fr.: région à raies larges The inner region of a → quasar or an → active galactic nucleus exhibiting broad → spectral lines which indicate ionized matter moving with speeds in excess of 10,000 km sec-1, probably due to the presence of an → accretion disk surrounding a → supermassive black hole. Also called Type I AGN. See also → obscuring torus. |
head-tail galaxy kahkešân-e sar-dom Fr.: galaxie tête-queue, ~ têtard A member of the class of radio galaxies (→ radio galaxy) that have a strong radio emission coming from a bright "head" and a more diffuse emission from a "tail." They are often found in clusters. |