affine karvan Fr.: affine Math.: Of or pertaining to the geometry of → affine transformations. See also: → affine combination, → affine geometry, → affine set, → affinity. From Fr., from L. affinis "bordering on; neighboring; related." Karvan, literally "bordering on; possessing border (with); related," from (Bašgard) ker "border, boundary," (Fin Bandar Abbas) karaq "border, edge;" classical Pers. karân, kenâr "boundary, side, edge;" + -van suffix of possession, relation. |
affine combination miyâzeš-e karvan Fr.: combinaison affine A linear combination of vectors in which all the vector coefficients add up to one. → affine; → combination. |
affine geometry hendese-ye karvan Fr.: géométrie affine The study of the properties which are → invariant under → affine transformations. |
affine set hangard-e karvan Fr.: ensemble affine A set → if and only if (iff) for any two points in the → set, the line through them is contained in the set. In other words, for any two points in the set, their → affine combinations are in the set itself. |
affine transformation tarâdis-e karvan Fr.: transformation affine Any → transformation preserving → collinearity. → affine; → transformation. |