algorithm xârazmik (#) Fr.: algorithme 1) A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established,
recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a
finite number of steps. From M.L. algorismus, a mangled transliteration of al-Khwarizmi, "native of Khwarazm," the surname of the Persian mathematician and astronomer Abu Ja'far Mohammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (c780-c850). Xârazmik, from Xârazmi (or Xwârazmi, from Xwârazm), the name of the Persian mathematician, + Persian affix → -ik, → -ics. |
deconvolution algorithm xârazmik-e vâhamâgiš Fr.: logiciel de déconvolution, algorithme ~ ~ An algorithm used to improve the resolution of an image particularly when the convolving function is well defined. Also called deconvolution code. → deconvolution; → algorithm. |