axis âsé (#) Fr.: axe 1) One of the principal lines through the center of a figure or a
solid, especially, the line which divides the figure or solid
symmetrically. L. axis "axle, pivot," akin to O.E. eax "axis, axle," Gk. axon "axle," Skt. aksa- "axle, axis, beam of a balance;" PIE base *aks- "axis." Âsé, from Pers. dialects: Qâyeni asak "the shaft connecting the plough to the yoke," Lori esi "a pillar (used to put up a tribal tent)," variants hosi, hosin, Tabari âssen "the foot of a door on which it turns," cf. Skt. īṣā- "pole or shafts of a carriage or plough," Av. aêša "the two shafts," Mod.Pers. xiš "plough(share)," Gk. oiax "handle of rudder, tiller, helm," PIE base *ei-, *oi- "pole, thill." |
axis of rotation âse-ye carxeš Fr.: axe de rotation Same as → rotation axis and → rotational axis. |
axisymmetric hamâmun-e âse-yi, âse-hamâmun Fr.: axisymétrique Having → axisymmetry. |
axisymmetry hamâmuni-ye âse-yi, âse-hamâmuni Fr.: axisymétrie Same as → axial symmetry. |
celestial axis âse-ye âsmân (#) Fr.: axe du monde The Earth's axis extended to the → celestial pole. |
conjugate axis âse-ye hamyuq Fr.: axe conjugué One of the two diameters of a conic, so related that a tangent at the end of one is parallel to the other. |
declination axis âse-ye vâkileš Fr.: axe de déclinaison The axis to which the telescope tube is fastened in an → equatorial mounting. → declination; → axis. |
inclination of axis darkil-e âse Fr.: inclinaison de l'axe The angle between the rotation axis of a planet and the normal to the ecliptic. → inclination; → axis. |
magnetic axis âse-ye meqnâtisi Fr.: axe magnétique The imaginary straight line joining the two → poles of a → magnet. |
major axis âse-ye mehin Fr.: grand axe The greatest diameter of an ellipse; it passes through the two foci. |
minor axis âse-ye kehin Fr.: petit axe The axis of an ellipse that is perpendicular to the major axis at a point equidistant from the foci. |
non-principal axis (NPA) rotational motion jonbeš-e carxeši be gerd-e âse-ye nâ-farin Fr.: mouvement rotationnel autour de l'axe non-parincipal A → tumbling motion of an → asteroid. See also → tumbling asteroid. → non-; → principal axis; → rotational; → motion. |
off-axis optical system râžmân-e nurik-e ap-âsé Fr.: système optique hors axe An → optical system in which the → optical axis of the → aperture is not coincident with the mechanical center of the aperture. |
optic axis âse-ye nuri Fr.: axe optique The direction in a doubly refracting crystal in which light is propagated without double refraction. |
optical axis âse-ye nuri (#) Fr.: axe optique Line passing through the optical center and the center of curvature of a → spherical mirror or → lens. Same as → principal axis. |
orbital axis âse-ye madâri Fr.: axe orbital The → perpendicular to the → orbital plane. |
parallel axis theorem farbin-e âsehâ-ye parâsu Fr.: théorème des axes parallèles The → moment of inertia of a body about any given axis is the moment of inertia about a parallel axis through the center of mass, plus the moment of inertia about the given axis if the mass were located at the center of mass. same as → Steiner's theorem. |
perpendicular axis theorem farbin-e âsehâ-ye pâlâr Fr.: théorème des axes perpendiculaires The → moment of inertia of a plane object (→ lamina) about an axis perpendicular to the plane is equal to the sum of the moments of inertia about any two perpendicular axes in the plane. Thus if x and y axes are in the plane, Iz = Ix + Iy. → perpendicular; → axis; → theorem. |
polar axis âse-ye qotbi (#) Fr.: axe polaire The axis of an → equatorial mounting that is parallel to the Earth's axis, and consequently points to the celestial pole. |
praxis varzidâr Fr.: praxis 1) The practice and practical side of knowledge or skills, as opposed to the
→ theory. M.L. praxis "practice, action," from Gk. praxis "practice, action, doing," from stem of prassein "to do, to act." Varzidâr, from varzid past stem of varzidan, → practice, + -âr prefix forming nouns of action, such as kerdâr, raftâr, didâr, goftâr, jostâr, etc. |