celestial âsmâni (#) Fr.: céleste Of or relating to the sky or visible heavens. M.E., from O.Fr., from M.L. celestialis, from L. cælestis "heavenly," from cælum "heaven, sky." Âsmâni related to âsmân, → sky. |
celestial axis âse-ye âsmân (#) Fr.: axe du monde The Earth's axis extended to the → celestial pole. |
celestial body axtar (#), jesm-e âsmâni (#) Fr.: corps céleste |
celestial coordinates hamârâhâ-ye âsmâni (#) Fr.: coordonées célestes Any system of coordinates used to define a point on the celestial sphere (zenith distance, altitude, celestial latitude, celestial longitude, etc.). → celestial; → coordinates. |
celestial equator hamugâr-e âsmâni Fr.: équateur céleste An imaginary great circle on the sky half-way between the → celestial poles. It is the projection of the → equator of the Earth on the sky. |
celestial globe gu-ye âsmâni Fr.: globe céleste A small globe representing the celestial sphere, on which the apparent positions of the stars are indicated. |
celestial horizon ofoq-e âsmâni (#) Fr.: horizon céleste A great circle on the → celestial sphere having a plane that passes through the center of the Earth at a right angle to the line formed by an observer's → zenith and → nadir. |
celestial latitude varunâ-ye âsmâni Fr.: latitude céleste Angular distance → north or → south measured from the → ecliptic to a → celestial object. |
celestial longitude derežnâ-ye âsmâni Fr.: longitude céleste Angular distance to an object measured eastward along the → ecliptic from the → vernal equinox. |
celestial mechanics mekânik-e âsmâni (#) Fr.: mécanique céleste The branch of astronomy that deals with the calculation of motions of celestial bodies under the action of their mutual gravitational attractions. |
celestial meridian nimruzân-e âsmâni (#) Fr.: méridien céleste The great circle on the → celestial sphere, passing through the two → celestial poles and the observer's → zenith. |
celestial object barâxt-e âsmâni Fr.: objet céleste |
celestial pole qotb-e âsmân (#) Fr.: pole céleste The point of the sky, north or south, where the projection of the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the → celestial sphere. They are at 90° relative to the → celestial equator. Because of → precession, the celestial poles describe a circle around the ecliptic's poles every 25,800 years. |
celestial sphere sepehr-e âsmân (#), kore-ye ~ (#) Fr.: sphère céleste An imaginary sphere, of large but indefinite dimension, used as a basis to define the position coordinates of celestial bodies. The center can be the Earth, the observer, or any other point which plays the role of origin for a given system of coordinates. Seen from the Earth, the celestial sphere rotates around the → celestial axis every 23h 56m 04s (the → sidereal day), as a result of the Earth's rotation. Two important circles on the celestial sphere are the → celestial equator and the → ecliptic. The angle between them, about 23.40 degrees, is known as the → obliquity of the ecliptic. The celestial equator and the ecliptic intersect at two points, → vernal equinox and → autumnal equinox. The positions of the → celestial poles and therefore that of the → celestial equator move gradually on the celestial sphere, due to → precession. |
north celestial pole qotb-e âsmâni-ye hudar Fr.: pôle nord céleste The point in the → northern hemisphere where the → rotation axis of Earth touches the → celestial sphere. The star → Polaris, also called the Pole Star, is located very near this point, at an angular separation of 42 degrees (about 1.4 lunar diameters). |
south celestial pole qotb-e âsmâni-ye daštar Fr.: pôle sud céleste The point in the → southern hemisphere where the → rotation axis of the Earth touches the → celestial sphere. In contrast to the → north celestial pole, no bright star is visible in that direction. |
true celestial equator hamugâr-e âsmâni-ye râstin Fr.: équateur céleste vrai The → celestial equator of date, which is the → great circle on the → celestial sphere perpendicular to the instantaneous axis of rotation of the Earth. Its interaction with the → ecliptic defines the → vernal equinox of date and the → autumnal equinox of date. |
true celestial pole qotb-e âsmâni-ye râstin Fr.: pôle céleste vrai The direction of the Earth's instantaneous rotation pole. It differs from the pole due to the short time-scale (days or decades) variations called → nutation. |