clockwise sâ'atsu (#) Fr.: dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre In the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock when viewed from in front. From → clock + wise "way, manner," O.E. wise (adj.), from wis, from P.Gmc. *wisaz (cf. Du. wijs, Ger. weise "wise"), PIE base *weid-/*wid- "to see, to know;" cf. Av vaeda "I know," Skt. veda "I know," Gk. oida "I know". Sâ'atsu, from sâ'at, → clock, + su "direction," Mid.Pers. sôg, sôk "side, direction". |
counterclockwise pâdsâ'atsu (#) Fr.: en sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre In a direction opposite to the rotating hands of a clock. From counter- "contrary; opposite; opposing," + → clockwise. Pâdsâ'atsu, from pâd-, → counter-, + sâ'atsu, → clockwise. |