coagulate ماسیدن، رچیدن، لخته بستن mâsidan, rocidan, laxté bastan
Fr.: coaguler 1) ( Generally, of liquids, to change into a thickened mass,
curdle; congeal.
2) Biology, Medicine: of blood, to form a clot.
3) Physical chemistry: of colloidal particles, to flocculate or
cause to flocculate.
4) Astrophysics: of dust grains in the interstellar medium
and protoplanetary disks, to grow into larger entities.
→ dust coagulation. Mâsidan "to coagulate, clot," originally "of milk, to turn into yogurt,"
mâst "clotted milk, yogurt;" Gilaki mas, Lori mâs,
Kurd. mâzd, mâst, Sangesari must, Baluchi madhagh, mastagh;
Mid.Pers. mâs- "to coagulate, become hard;"
cf. Skt. mástu- "milk cream," Arm. macum
"soar milk," macanim "to clot, congeal." Rocidan from Lori roc "congealed," rocesse "to congeal, clot." Laxté bastin lit. "coagulate into (solid) piece,"
from laxté "piece, part, portion," +
bastan "to coagulate, congeal; to bind, shut"
(Mid.Pers. bastan/vastan "to bind, shut,"
Av./O.Pers. band-
"to bind, fetter," banda- "band, tie,"
Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten," PIE
*bhendh- "to bind," cf. Ger. binden, E. bind). |