analog-to-digital converter hâgardgar-e ânâguyé-raqami Fr.: convertisseur analogique-numérique In electronics, a device that converts the analog signal to → analog-to-digital units or counts. |
convert hâgard kardan Fr.: convertir 1) To change units of one measuring or calculating system into units of another. M.E. converten, O.Fr. convertir, from L. convertere "to turn around, transform," from → com- "together" + vertere "to turn;" cognate with Mod.Pers. gardidan "to change, to turn," → conversion. Compound verb from hâgard, → conversion, + kardan "to do, to make," → -ize. |
converter hâgardgar Fr.: convertisseur A device that receives data in one form and converts it to another. → analog-to-digital converter. |