anticorrelation pâdhambâzâneš Fr.: anticorrelation Statistics: The correlation coefficient of two random variables X and Y is in general defined as the ratio of the Cov(X,Y) to the two standard deviations of X and Y. It varies between 1 and -1 corresponding to complete correlation or anticorrelation. Anticorrelation, from → anti- + → correlation. Pâdhambâzâneš, from pâd-, → anti-, + hambâzâneš, → correlation. |
autocorrelation xod-hambâzâneš Fr.: autocorrélation 1) In radio astronomy, a process performed by an → autocorrelator. Autocorrelation, from → auto- "self" + → correlation. Xod-hambâzâneš, from xod- "self" + hambâzâneš, → correlation. |
autocorrelation function karyâ-ye xod-hambâzâneš Fr.: fonction d'autocorrélation A mathematical function that describes the correlation between two values of the same variable at different points in time. → autocorrelation; → function. |
canonical correlation hambâzânš-e hanjârvâr Fr.: correlation canonique The highest correlation between linear functions of two data sets when specific restrictions are imposed upon them. → canonical; → correlation. |
correlation hambâzâneš Fr.: corrélation General:
The degree to which two or more attributes or measurements on the
same group of elements show a tendency to vary together;
the state or relation of being correlated. From M.Fr. corrélation, from cor- "together," → com- + → relation. |
correlation coefficient hamgar-e hambâzâneš Fr.: coefficient de corrélation A number between -1 and 1 which measures the degree to which two variables are linearly related. → correlation; → coefficient. |
cross correlation hamvbâzâneš-e calipâyi, ~ xâji Fr.: corrélation croisée In radio astronomy, the process performed by a → cross correlator or the result of the process. → cross; → correlation. |
direct correlation hambâzâneš-e sarrâst Fr.: corrélation directe A correlation between two variables such that as one variable becomes large, the other also becomes large, and vice versa. The correlation coefficient is between 0 and +1. Also called positive correlation. → direct; → correlation. |
linear correlation hambâzâneš-e xatti Fr.: corrélation linéaire A measure of how well data points fit a straight line. When all the points fall on the line it is called a perfect correlation. When the points are scattered all over the graph there is no correlation. → linear; → correlation. |
negative correlation hambâzâneš-e nâyidâr Fr.: corrélation négative A correlation between two variables such that as one variable's values tend to increase, the other variable's values tend to decrease. → negative; → correlation. |
Orion correlation theory negare-ye hambâzâneš-e Oryon Fr.: théorie de la corrélation d'Orion A controversial proposition according to which a coincidence would exist between the mutual positions of the three stars of → Orion's Belt and those of the main Giza pyramids. More specifically, Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure would be the monumental representation of → Alnitak, → Alnilam, and → Mintaka, respectively. → Orion; → correlation; → theory. |
positive correlation hambâzâneš-e dâhidâr Fr.: correlation positive Same as → direct correlation. → positive; → correlation. |