feminism zâd-zan-bâvari (#) Fr.: féminisme 1) Belief in the social, political, and economic freedom of women and
equality of the sexes. Feminism is closely tied to democracy and
→ secularism. From Fr. féminisme, from féminin "feminine, female," from L. femininus "feminine" (originally in the grammatical sense), from femina "woman, female," literally "she who suckles," cognates fecund "fruitful, fertile," felix "happy," fetus "offspring, pregnancy;" PIE base *dheh(i)- "to suck, suckle;" cf. Gk. thele "mother's breast;" Pers. dâyé "wet nurse." Zâd-zan-bâvari, from zâdzan "free woman" (on the model of zâdmard "free man, valiant man, generous man," zâdsarv "tall and upright cypress tree"), from zâd, contraction of âzâd, → free, + zan, → woman, + bâvari, → -ism. |