flex caftidan, caftan Fr.: 1) To bend or be bent. Probably a back-formation from → flexible, from L. flexus, p.p. of flectere "to bend, turn." Caftidan, caftan "to bend, incline," cafté "curved, bent," of unknown origin. |
flexibility caftešpaziri Fr.: flexibilité 1) The quality of bending easily without breaking. |
flexible caftešpazir Fr.: flexible Capable of being bent easily without breaking. |
flexion cafteš Fr.: 1) The act of bending, the state of being bent. |
flexure caftegi Fr.: flexion The action of bending or curving, or the condition of being bent or curved. → flex + suffix -ure. |
instrumental flexure caftegi-ye sâzâl Fr.: flexion d'instrument An image defect caused by the mechanical flexure of materials; for example the curved-shape image of a long slit in a spectrograph. → instrumental; → flexure. |