disintegration vâpâši, forupâši (#) Fr.: desintégration The breaking up of a body into fragments. For example, that of an unstable nuclei either spontaneously or as a result of bombardment by fast-moving particles, or the breaking up of a comet. Disintegration, verbal noun of disintegrate, from → dis- + → integration. Vâpâši, forupâši, from vâ-, frou-→ de- + pâši, noun of pâšidan→ disperse. |
integration dorostâleš, dorostâlgiri Fr.: intégration In calculus the operation which consists of finding the areas enclosed by curves through the summations of infinitesimals. The inverse process of differentiation. Verbal noun of → integrate. |
integration time zamân-e dorostâleš Fr.: temps d'intégration The time during which a detector integrates the incoming photons. → integration; → time. |
photodisintegration šidvâpâši, nurvâpâši Fr.: photodésintégration The process by which atomic nuclei are broken apart into their constituent protons and neutrons by the impact of high energy gamma photons. Photodisintegration takes place during the core collapse phase of a → Type II supernova explosion. → photo- + → disintegration. |