inversion vâgardâni, vâruneš Fr.: inversion Meteo.: A departure from the usual decrease or increase with altitude of the value of an atmospheric property. It almost always refers to a temperature inversion, i.e., an increase in temperature with altitude. Chemistry: To subject to → inversion. Verbal noun of → invert. |
inversion layer lâye-ye vâgardâni Fr.: couche d'inversion Meteo.: The atmospheric layer in which the temperature gradient is
inverted, that is increases; → inversion. The inversion layer
tends to prevent the air below it from rising, thus trapping any pollutants that are present. |
population inversion vâgardâni-ye porineš, vâruneš-e ~ Fr.: inversion des populations In physics, specifically statistical mechanics, the state of an atomic or molecular system in which the number of members in an excited state is larger than those in lower energy states. → optical pumping; → inverted population. → population; → inversion. |
temperature inversion vâgardâni-ye damâ Fr.: inversion de température Meteo.: A reversal in the normal temperature decrease, the temperature rising with increased elevation in the atmosphere instead of falling. A layer in which temperature increases with altitude. → temperature; → inversion. |