dextrorotatory râstcarx Fr.: dextrogyre Relating to an → optically active substance that causes → dextrorotation. Adj. related to → dextrorotation. |
field rotator carxânande-ye meydân Fr.: rotateur de champ A device used on a telescope to correct for the → field rotation while tracking an object. |
levorotatory capcarx Fr.: lévogyre Relating to an → optically active substance that brings about → levorotation. Adj. related to → levorotation. |
oblique rotator model model-e carxande-ye yekvar Fr.: modèle de rotateur oblique A stellar model in which the rotation axis is tilted relative to the magnetic dipole axis. As the star rotates, observable quantities (e.g. the line-of-sight component of the magnetic field, stellar brightness, emission lines) are modulated according to the rotational period. Such a model was first put forward by D. Stibbs (1950, MNRAS, 110, 395). |
rotator carxandé (#), carxânandé (#) Fr.: rotateur A device that rotates or causes rotation. Agent noun from → rotate. |