absorption daršam Fr.: absorption 1) General: The process or fact of absorbing. |
absorption band bând-e daršami Fr.: bande d'absorption 1) A series of very closely spaced absorption lines in stellar spectra
resulting from the absorption of light by molecules. Bands caused by
titanium oxide (→ TiO bands) and carbon compounds occur
in the spectra of low temperature M and C stars. → absorption; → band. |
absorption coefficient hamgar-e daršam Fr.: coefficient d'absorption The fraction of normally incident light that is absorbed per unit path length or by a unit mass of absorbing medium. → absorption; → coefficient. |
absorption curve xam-e daršam Fr.: courbe d'absorption A graphic representation of the amount of radiant energy absorbed by a material as a function of the wavelength. → absorption; → curve. |
absorption feature ârang-e daršam Fr.: motif d'absorption A dip in a spectrum indicating that light has been absorbed on the path from the emitting source to the observer. It may be a line, corresponding to a well-defined atomic or molecular transition, or a more complex feature whose physical origin is not necessarily understood. → absorption; → feature. |
absorption line xatt-e daršami Fr.: raie d'absorption A dark line in the spectrum of a source produced by a lower temperature gas cloud lying between the source and the observer. → absorption; → line. |
absorption nebula miq-e daršami Fr.: nébuleuse par absorption, nébuleuse obscure A dark cloud of dust and gas that absorbs light from and impedes the view of background stars; dark nebula. → absorption; → nebula. |
absorption spectrum binâb-e daršami Fr.: spectre d'absorption A spectrum of absorption lines or bands, produced when light from a hot source, itself producing a continuous spectrum, passes through a cooler gas. → absorption; → spectrum. |
adsorption baršam Fr.: adsorption A process in which a layer of atoms or molecules of one substance forms on the surface of a solid or liquid. → absorption, → desorption, → sorption. Adsorption from ad- "to" + sorption, from L. sorbere "to suck," → absorption. Baršam, from bar- "on, upon" + šam "to drink, sip," → absorption. |
atmospheric absorption daršam-e javvi Fr.: absorption atmosphérique The absorption of → electromagnetic radiation in the → atmosphere mainly by → water vapor, → carbon dioxide, and oxygen. The atmosphere introduces two more limiting factors in → remote sensing: → atmospheric scattering and → atmospheric turbulence. → atmospheric; → absorption. |
chemical adsorption baršam-e šimiyâyi Fr.: adsorption chimique Same as → chemisorption. → chemical; → adsorption. |
chemisorption šimi-šameš Fr.: chimisorption A kind of → adsorption in which the forces involved are → valence forces of the same kind as those operating in the formation of → chemical compounds. Same as → chemical adsorption. See also → physisorption. |
desorption vâšam Fr.: désorption A physical or chemical process by which a substance that has been sorbed (adsorbed or absorbed) by a liquid or solid material is removed from the material. Reverse of → sorption. → absorption; → adsorption. Verbal noun of → desorb. |
discrete absorption component (DAC) hamne-ye daršami-ye gosasté Fr.: composante d'absorption discrète The rapid, systematic changes in the absorption parts of the → P Cygni profiles of the ultraviolet → resonance lines (Si IV, C IV, and N V) observed in a majority of massive → hot stars. DACs are typically seen to accelerate to the → blue wing of the profile over a few days, becoming narrower as they approach the → terminal velocity. → discrete; → absorption; → component. |
foreground absorption daršam-e pišzaminé Fr.: absorption d'avant-plan Loss of radiant energy received from an astronomical object due to the presence of absorbing matter situated between the object and observer. → foreground; → absorption. |
intergalactic absorption daršam-e andarkahkešâni Fr.: absorption intergalactique → Absorption features in the spectra of bright sources like → quasars attributed to a tenuous matter filling the medium between galaxies. → intergalactic; → absorption. |
internal absorption daršam-e daruni Fr.: absorption interne Of an → H II region, the absorption of photons by the dust which is mixed with ionized gas, in contrast to the absorption by the → interstellar dust on the line of sight. → internal; → absorption. |
interstellar absorption daršam-e andaraxtari Fr.: absorption interstellaire The absorption of light from stars and other objects by intervening gas and dust in interstellar space. → interstellar; → absorption. |
mass absorption coefficient hamgar-e daršm-e jermi Fr.: coefficient d'absorption de masse A measure of the rate of absorption of radiation, expressed as the linear absorption coefficient divided by the density of the medium through which radiation is passing. → mass; → absorption; → coefficient. |
photoabsorption šid-daršam Fr.: photoabsorption A situation in which all of the energy of a photon is transferred to an atom, molecule, or nucleus. → photo- + → absorption. |