sulfur gugerd (#) Fr.: soufre Also sulphur, a nonmetallic chemical element; symbol S. Atomic number 16; atomic weight 32.06; melting point 112.8°C (rhombic), 119.0°C (monoclinic), about 120°C (amorphous); boiling point 444.674°C; specific gravity at 20°C, 2.07. M.E. sulphur, from L. sulpur, sulphur, sulfur "brimstone;" maybe from Skt. sulveri "eneny of copper," as copper loses all its properties when heated with sulfur. It was known from prehistoric times. In 1809, the French chemists, Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac and Louis-Jacques Thenard proved the elemental nature of sulfur. Gugerd, from Mid.Pers. gôgird "sulfur," gôgirdômand "sulfurous." |