symbiotic hamzi Fr.: symbiotique Of or pertaining yo symbiosis in biology, denoting a close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may be, but does not necessarily, of mutual benefit. → symbiotic star. From Mod.L., from Gk. symbiosis "a living together," from symbioun "live together," from symbios "(one) living together (with another), partner," from → syn- "together" + bios "life," → bio-. Hamzi "living together," from ham- "together," → syn-, + zi- present stem of zistan "to live," → bio-. |
symbiotic B[e] star (symB[e]) setâre-ye B[e]-ye hamzi Fr.: étoile B[e] symbiotique A → B[e] star whose spectrum shows the presence of a cool component characterized mainly by → TiO bands. |
symbiotic star setâre-ye hamzi Fr.: étoile symbiotique A stellar object whose optical spectrum displays lines characteristic of gases of two very different temperatures, typically of an M star (3500 K) and a B star (20 000 K) superimposed. A symbiotic star is in fact a close binary system. |