AGB final thermal pulse (AFTP) tape-ye garmâyi-ye pâyâni-ye AGB Fr.: flash de l'hélium final de l'AGB In evolutionary models of → low-mass and → intermediate-mass stars, the occurrence of a → helium shell flash just at the moment when the star is leaving the → asymptotic giant branch phase. |
late thermal pulse tape-ye garmâyi-ye dirân Fr.: flash de l'hélium tardif In evolutionary models of → low-mass and → intermediate-mass stars, the occurrence of a → helium shell flash on the → horizontal branch of the → post-AGB track, while → hydrogen shell burning is still going on. |
thermal pulse tape-ye garmâyi, tapeš-e ~ Fr.: pulsation thermique Repeated instabilities of the He burning shell which ignites in sudden burst during the final phases of the → AGB evolution. |
very late thermal pulse (VLTP) tape-ye garmâyi-ye besyâr dir Fr.: flash de l'hélium très tardif In evolutionary models of → post-asymptotic giant branch stars, the occurrence of the helium shell burning when the star has reached the → white dwarf cooling track. This leads to the possibility of a violent → helium shell flash and expansion on a time-scale of ≤ 10 years. The rapid expansion and prompt change in surface composition observed in → Sakurai's Object are thought to be due to such a very late thermal pulse. |