register 1) barnus; 2) barnusidan Fr.: 1) registre; 2) enregistrer 1a) A book in which records of acts, events, names, etc., are kept;
a list or → record of such acts, events, etc. M.E. registre, from M.Fr., from O.Fr. registre and directly from M.L. registrum, alteration of L.L. regesta "list, matters recorded," noun use of L. regesta, from regestus, p.p. of regerere "to record; retort," literally "to carry back, bring back" from → re- "back" + gerere "carry, bear." Barnus, from bar- "on, upon, up," → on-, + nus "to write;" cf. Kurd. (Sor.) nus, nusen "to write;" Lori nisane "to write;" variants of nevis-, neveštan, → write. |