An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 68 Search : cation

Fr.: allocation   

The act of allocating; the state of being allocated.

Verbal noun of → allocate.

  دامنه‌دهی، دامنه‌گیری   
dâmane-dehi, dâmane-giri (#)

Fr.: amplification   

1) General: The act or result of amplifying, enlarging, or extending.
2) Physics: The process of increasing the magnitude of a variable quantity, especially the magnitude of voltage, power, or current, without altering any other quantity.

Verbal noun of → amplify.

amplification factor
  کروند ِ دامنه‌دهی   
karvand-e dâmane-dahi

Fr.: facteur d'amplification   

1) Electronics: The extent to which an → analogue → amplifier boosts the strength of a → signal. Also called → gain.
2) In → gravitational lensing, the ratio of the lensed brightness to unlensed brightness. This factor depends on the mass of the → lensing object and the closeness of the alignment between observer, lens, and source (→ impact parameter).

amplification; → factor.

  آتاهش، کاربرد   
âtâheš, kârbord (#)

Fr.: application   

1) General: The act of applying to a particular purpose or use.
2) Computers: A program that performs a specific function for the user, as contrasted with an environment or operating system. Some examples are Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word, and Adobe Photoshop. The word "application" is used because each program has a specific application for the user.

Verbal noun of → apply.

application software
  نرم‌افزار ِ آتاهشی   
narm-afzâr-e âtâheši

Fr.: logiciel d'application   

A software with a specific function, such as a word processor or game. Contrast with operating system software.

application; → software.

  راستین‌شماری، راستین‌آزمایی   
râstinšomâri, râstin-âzmâyi

Fr.: authentification   

Computers: The process by which a user's identity is checked within the network to ensure that the user has access to the requested resources.

Verbal noun of → authenticate.


Fr.: bifurcation   

1) A branching or division into two parts; a splitting apart.
2) A sudden qualitative change in the behavior of a → dynamical system. The equation describing the evolution of the system finds several solutions for certain values of a parameter. Systems undergoing a bifurcation do not necessarily return to their original state, even if the parameter returns to its nominal value. See also → chaos.

Verbal noun of → bifurcate.

bifurcation point
  نقطه‌ی ِ دوگلش   
noqte-ye dogaleš

Fr.: point de bifurcation   

The point or moment in the evolution of a → dynamical system that occurs if a parameter passes through a critical point. At this point the system branches into any number of qualitatively new types of behavior.

bifurcation; → point.

bifurcation theory
  نگره‌ی ِ دوگلش   
negare-ye dogaleš

Fr.: théorie de bifurcation   

1) A theory which studies how, in certain nonlinear systems, there may be paths and shifts in behavior dependent on small changes in circumstances or the current position of the system.
2) Math.: The study of the behavior of a solution of a nonlinear problem in the neighborhood of a known solution, particularly as a parameter varies.

bifurcation; → theory.

Boeshaar-Keenan classification
  رده‌بندی ِ بوسهار-کینان   
radebandi-ye Boeshaar-Keenan

Fr.: classification de Boeshaar-Keenan   

A system for the classification of → S-type stars. The system involves the designations of a C/O index and a temperature type. Moreover, when possible, it uses intensity estimates for → ZrO bands, the → TiO bands, the → Na I D-lines, the YO bands, and the Li I 6708 line.

Philip C. Keenan & Patricia C. Boeshaar, 1980, ApJS, 43, 379; → classification.

kâtion (#)

Fr.: cation   

Chemistry: A → positively charged → ion that is attracted to the → cathode in electrolysis. Any positively charged atom or group of atoms (opposed to → anion).

From cat-, → cathod, + → ion.

  آرونش، رونه‌کرد   
âruneš, runekard

Fr.: clarification   

The action of making a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible.

Verbal noun of → clarify.

  رده بندی   
radebandi (#)

Fr.: classification   

The systematic grouping of astronomical objects into categories on the basis of physical, morphological, or evolutionary characteristics.

Classification, from O.Fr., from classifier, from → class + -fier, from L. -ficare, root of facere "to make, do;" PIE base *dhe- "to put, to do" (cf. Skt. dadhati "puts, places;" Av. dadaiti "he puts," O.Pers. ada "he made," Gk. tithenai "to put, set, place."

Radebandi, from radé, → class, + bandi, verbal noun of bastan "to bind, shut; to get, acquire, incur," from Mid.Pers. bastan/vastan "to bind, shut;" Av./O.Pers. band- "to bind, fetter," banda- "band, tie;" cf. Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten;" Ger. binden, E. bind, → band; PIE base *bhendh- "to bind."


Fr.: communication   

1) The act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.
2) The imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs (

Verbal noun of → communicate.


Fr.: compactification   

1) Math.: A process applied to topological spaces having many dimensions to make them compact spaces.
2) Physics: In string theory, the process of "curling up" the extra dimensions (six in the superstring theory). According to these theories, the Universe actually has 10 spatial dimensions but that 7 of them have become "compactified" down to subatomic size and thus are unobservable.

Compactification, n. from → compactify.

conformal compactification
  همپکانش ِ همدیس   
hampakâneš-e hamdi

Fr.: compactification conforme   

A mapping of an infinite → space-time onto a finite one that may make the far away parts of the former accessible to study. The technique invented by Penrose defines an equivalence class of → metrics, gab being equivalent to ĝab = Ω2gab, where Ω is a positive scalar function of the space-time that modifies the distance scale making the asymptotics of the physical metric accessible to study.

conformal; → compactification.

  هم-وچ، هموچ   

Fr.: convocation   

The act of convoking. The state of being convoked.

Verbal noun of → convoke.

cross identification
  ایدانش ِ چلیپایی   
idâneš-e calipâyi

Fr.: identification croisée   

The identification of an object in a data base or catalog and matching it with the same object identified in another catalog.

cross; → identification.


Fr.: défuzzification, concrétisation   

The process of producing a quantifiable result in a → fuzzy logic system, given → fuzzy sets and corresponding → membership functions. Defuzzification is the last step in a fuzzy logic system. After → fuzzy inferencing, the overall result is a → fuzzy value. This result should be defuzzified to obtain a final → crisp value.

Verbal noun of → defuzzify; → -tion.


Fr.: démystification   

The removal of mystery or confusion surrounding a topic or idea.

demystify; → -tion.

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