An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 145 Search : magnet
magnetic diffusivity
  پخشندگی ِ مغناتیسی   
paxšandegi-ye meqnâtisi

Fr.: diffusivité magnétique   

The → diffusion coefficient for a magnetic field. It is expressed as: η = 1/(μ0σ), where μ0 is the → magnetic permeability and σ the → conductivity.

magnetic; → diffusivity.

magnetic dip
  نشیب ِ مغناتیسی   
našib-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: inclinaison magnétique   

In terrestrial magnetism, the angle that a → magnetic needle makes with the horizontal plane at any specific location. The angle of magnetic dip at the → magnetic poles of Earth is 90°. Also called → inclination and → dip.

magnetic; → dip.

magnetic dipole
  دوقطبه‌ی ِ مغناتیسی   
doqotbe-ye maqnâtisi

Fr.: dipole magnétique   

A system that generates a → magnetic field in which the field is considered to result from two opposite poles, as in the north and south poles of a magnet, much as an → electric field originates from a positive and a negative charge in an → electric dipole. A loop carrying an electric current also acts as a magnetic dipole. Magnetic dipoles experience a torque in the presence of magnetic fields. → dipole moment; → magnetic moment.

magnetic; → dipole.

magnetic dipole moment
  گشتاور ِ دوقطبه‌ی ِ مغناتیسی   
gaštâvar-e doqotbe-ye meqnâtisi

Fr.: moment dipolaire magnétique   

Same as → magnetic moment.

magnetic; → dipole; → moment.

magnetic domain
  دمن ِ مغناتیسی   
daman-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: domaine magnétique   

Any of several microscopic areas in a → ferromagnetic material that possesses a net → magnetic field, because electron spins are aligned in the same direction. In the absence of an external magnetic field, the directions of the magnetization vectors of the separate domains do not coincide and the resultant magnetization of the whole body may be zero.

magnetic; → domain.

magnetic energy
  کاروژ ِ مغناتیسی   
kâruž-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: énergie magnétique   

The energy stored in a magnetic field. It is the → work that must be done to establish a magnetic field in terms of the → magnetic induction. Magnetic energy varies as the square of the magnetic induction. It can be expressed in several other ways, for example in terms of the current and of the magnetic flux, or in terms of the current density and vector potential.

magnetic; → energy.

magnetic field
  میدان ِ مغناتیسی   
meydân-e meqnâtisi (#)

Fr.: champ magnétique   

A field of force that is generated by electric currents, or, equivalently, a region in which magnetic forces can be observed.

magnetic; → field.

magnetic field line
  خط ِ میدان ِ مغناتیسی   
xatt-e meydân-e meqnâtisi (#)

Fr.: ligne de champ magnétique   

An imaginary line used for representing the strength and direction of a magnetic field. Charged particles move freely along magnetic field lines, but are inhibited by the magnetic force from moving across field lines.

magnetic; → field; → line.

magnetic field strength
  زور ِ میدان ِ مغناتیسی   
zur-e meydân-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: intensité du champs magnétique   

Same as → magnetic intensity.

magnetic; → field; → intensity.

magnetic flux
  شار ِ مغناتیسی   
šâr-e meqnâtisi (#)

Fr.: flux magnétique   

A measure of the quantity of magnetism or magnetic field. It is the number of lines of force passing normally through a given area. Magnetic flux is a scalar quantity defined as the surface integral of the → magnetic flux density. It is usually denoted by the Greek letter Φ and its SI unit is the → weber.

magnetic; → flux.

magnetic flux density
  چگالی ِ شار ِ مغناتیسی   
cagâli-ye šâr-e meqnâtisi (#)

Fr.: densité du flux magnétique   

A vector quantity measuring the strength and direction of the magnetic field. It is the → magnetic flux per unit area of a magnetic field at right angles to the magnetic force. Magnetic flux density is expressed in → teslas. Also called → magnetic induction.

magnetic; → flux; → density.

magnetic helicity
  پیچاری ِ مغناتیسی   
picâri-ye meqnâtisi

Fr.: hélicité magnétique   

A quantity that measures the extent to which the magnetic field lines wrap and coil around each other. It is closely related to field line topology. Magnetic helicity is defined by: HM = ∫ A . B dV, where A is the vector potential of the magnetic field and the integration is over a volume V. → helicity; → kinetic helicity

magnetic; → helicity.

magnetic inclination
  درکیل ِ مغناتیسی   
darkil-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: inclinaison magnétique   

Same as → magnetic dip or → dip.

magnetic; → inclination.

magnetic induction
  درهازش ِ مغناتیسی   
darhâzeš-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: induction magnétique   

1) Same as → magnetic flux density.
2) The production of a magnetic field in a piece of un-magnetized iron or other → ferromagnetic substance when a magnet is brought near it. The magnet causes the individual particles of iron, which act like tiny magnets, to line up so that the sample as a whole becomes magnetized.

magnetic; → induction.

magnetic intensity
  درتنویی ِ مغناتیسی   
dartanuyi-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: intensité magnétique   

Strength of a magnetic field at a point, denoted H. The force which could be exerted on unit north magnetic pole situated at that point. Measured in oersteds. Same as → magnetic field strength.

magnetic; → intensity.

magnetic massive star
  ستاره‌ی ِ پرجرم ِ مغناتیسی   
setâre-ye porjerm-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: étoile massive magnétique   

A → stellar magnetic field associated with a → massive star. Magnetic fields are detected only for seven to ten percent of all studied massive → OB stars, and the magnetic field occurrence does not depend on the → spectral type. Because these magnetic fields seem to be stable over long time-scales and their strength does not seem to correlate with known stellar properties, it is assumed that they are of fossil origin (→ fossil magnetic field) and are frozen into the → radiative envelope of the stars. The fields are those of the birth → molecular clouds, partly trapped inside the → pre-main sequence star during the cloud → collapse phase, possibly further enhanced by a → dynamo effect in the early fully convective stellar phase. Typically, the polar field strength ranges from about a hundred → Gauss up to several kiloGauss. However, some weaker fields, below 100 G, have recently been detected.
The stellar magnetic field influences many different regions of the star with various effects. In the deep interior of the star, the field influences the internal → mixing of the star and this affects the size of the → convective overshooting region, changing the lifetime of the star by decreasing the amount of fuel for nuclear burning. Magnetic stars can also confine their → stellar winds, due to their strong magnetic fields, into a → magnetosphere, which slows down the → rotational velocity of the star. This → magnetic braking is an efficient mechanism for → angular momentum transport. At the stellar surface, the magnetic fields can create and sustain areas of chemical over- or under-abundances and/or large temperature differences, which are called spots (Buysschaert et al., 2016, astro-ph/1709.02619).

magnetic; → massive; → star.

magnetic meridian
  نیمروزان ِ مغناتیسی   
nimruzân-e meqnâtisi

Fr.: méridien magnétique   

A meridian passing through the Earth's → magnetic poles.

magnetic; → meridian.

magnetic moment
  گشتاور ِ مغناتیسی   
gaštâvar-e meqnâtisi (#)

Fr.: moment magnétique   

1) A measure of the strength of a magnet or current-carrying coil. In the case of a bar magnet it is obtained by multiplying the distance between the two magnetic poles by the average strength of the poles. Same as → magnetic dipole moment See also → dipole moment.
2) A measure of the magnetic flux set up by the gyration of an electric charge in a magnetic field.
3) In atomic and nuclear physics, → spin magnetic moment.

magnetic; → moment.

magnetic monopole
  تک‌قطبه‌ی ِ مغناتیسی   
takqotbe-ye meqnâtisi (#)

Fr.: monopôle magnétique   

A hypothetical particle that carries a single → magnetic pole, in contrast to magnets which are north-south pole pairs. These massive particles (billions of times heavier than the → proton) are required by grand unified theories(→ GUTs) to explain the actual matter content of the Universe, particularly the dominance of matter upon → antimatter. However, their existence contradicts → Gauss's law for magnetism.

magnetic; → monopole.

magnetic monopole problem
  پراسه‌ی ِ تک‌قطبه‌ی ِ مغناتیسی   
parâse-ye takqotbe-ye meqnâtisi

Fr.: problème du monopôle magnétique   

A problem concerning the compatibility of grand unified theories (→ GUTs) with standard cosmology. If standard cosmology was combined with grand unified theories, far too many → magnetic monopoles would have been produced in the early Universe. The → inflation hypothesis aims at explaining the observed scarcity of monopoles. The inflation has deceased their density by a huge factor.

magnetic; → monopole; → problem.

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