An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < -es -it -sc 201 951 abe abs abs aca acc acc aco act ada adh ado aer aft air Alf alg alk alp Alt alt amb ana And ang ani ann ant ant ant apo app app Apu arc arg Arn art ass ast ast ast atm ato att aur aut avo azi bac bal bar bar bat Bea Bel bet bia big bin bio Bir bla bla blo Blu bol Boo bou box bre Bri bro bur cal cal Can cap car Car cat cau cel cen cen cha Cha cha che Chi chr cir cir civ cla clo clo CMB coa coe coh col col col com com com com com com com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con coo cor cor cor Cos cos cos cou cou cra cri cro cry cul cur cyc D l dar dat day dea dec dec dec def def deg Del Den dep der det deu dew dic dif dif dil dip dir dis dis dis dis dis diu dog Dop dou Dra Dsc dus dwa dyn Dys Ear ecc eco edg egg Ein Ela ele ele ele ele ell eme emp enc eng ent epi equ equ equ eru eth Eur eve exa exc exe exi exo exp ext ext ext fab fai Fan fea fem fer fie fil fir fir fla fli flu foc for for for fra fre fre fri fun fuz gal gal gal Gam gau Gau gen geo geo geo geo Gib glo gov gra gra gra gra gre gro Gui H-a hal Ham har Hay hea hei hel Hel her het hie hig hoa hom hor hot Hub Hug hur hyd hyd hyl hyp ice ide ima ima imp imp inc inc ind ine inf inf inf ing inn ins ins int int int int int int int int inv inv ion iro Isl iso iso Jab jet Jov Jup Kar Kep kil Kip Kra Lag Lam Lan Lar las law lea Leg Leo lev lig lim lin lin lin lit loc loc log Lor low lum lun lun Lym Mac mag mag mag mag mag mai Mal map mas mas mat Mau mea mea med Men mer Mes Met met mic mic Mie mil min Mir mix mod mol mom Moo mor mov mul mur n-b nan nat nea neg Ner neu new New NGC noc nom non non nor nor nuc nuc nul nut obj obl obs occ oct off old one ope opp opt opt orb ord org Ori osc oth ove Owl P-s Pal par par par par Pas pat pec pen per per per per per Pha pha pho pho pho phy pie pix Pla pla pla pla Pli Poi pol pol pol pol por pos pos pow pre pre pre pre pri pri pri pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pub pul pyc qua qua qua qua qui rad rad rad rad rad rad rai ran rar Ray rea Rea rec rec red red ref ref reg rel rel rel ren res res res res ret rev Ric rig rin roc roo rot rot rur S5- Sal sat sca sca Sch sci Scu sec sec sed sel sel sem seq set sha she sho sid sie sil sim sin sit sky slo sno sod sol sol sol sol son sou spa spa spe spe spe spe sph spi spo squ sta sta sta sta ste ste ste Sti sto str str sub sub sub sul sup sup sup sup sur sur syl syn sys tal Tay tel ten ter tex the the the the Tho thr tid tim Tit too Tor tra tra Tra tra Tra tri Tri tru tub tur two Typ ult ult unc uni uni uni upl ura uti val var vec vel ver Ver vie vir vis vis vol W-R war wav wav wea Wei wha wid win WN3 Wol wri xen yok zen zij > >>

Number of Results: 13176 Search : in

Fr.: -escent   

A suffix of adjectives often corresponding to verbs in -esce and nouns in -escence. → luminescent.

From -escentia, from escens, from esse "to be," → existence, + -ia.


   -ایدن، کردن، ساختن، آردن   
-idan, kardan, sâxtan, ârdan

Fr.: -fier, faire   

Suffix meaning "to make, cause to be."

From Fr. -fier, from L. -ficare, from facere "to make, do;" cognate with Pers. dâdan "to give;" → fact.

Suffix -idan forming infinitives; kardan "to do, to make," → -ize; sâxtan "to build, make, fashion," → perfect; ârdan contraction of âvardan "to bring; to cause, produce" (Mid.Pers. âwurtan, âvaritan; Av. ābar- "to bring; to possess," from prefix ā- + Av./O.Pers. bar- "to bear, carry," bareθre "to bear (infinitive)," bareθri "a female that bears (children), a mother;" Mod.Pers. bordan "to carry;" Skt. bharati "he carries;" Gk. pherein; L. fero "to carry").

-žen (#)

Fr.: -gène   

A combining form (also -gene) used in the formation of compound words, meaning: 1) "one that generates:" → hydrogen, → halogen, andogen, and so on. 2) "one that is generated, produced:" exogen, cultigen, phosgene.

From Fr. -gène "producing," Gk. -genes "produced, born," → generate;

-zâyi (#)

Fr.: -génèse   

A combining form of genesis.

From L. genesis, from Gk. genesis "origin, generation," from gignesthai "to be born," related to genos "race, birth, descent," cognate with Pers. zâdan "to bring forth, give birth," → generate.

   -بر، -گوش   
-bar (#), -guš (#)

Fr.: -gone   

A combining form meaning "angled, angular," used in the formation of compound words. → heptagon, → hexagon, → polygon.

From Gk. gonia "angle," related to gony "knee;" L. genu "knee;" Mod.Pers. zânu "knee;" Av. žnav-, žnu- "knee;" Skt. janu-; PIE base *g(e)neu-.

From bar "side; breadth; breast," variant var (Mid.Pers. var "breast;" Av. vouru "wide, broad, extended" (vourucašāni- "looking far"), related to varah- "breast;" cf. Skt. urú- "wide, broad," úras- "breast;" Gk. eurus "wide, broad;" PIE base uer-, ueru-s"wide, broad"); -guš "corner, angle," Mid.Pers. gošak "corner."

-negâšt (#)

Fr.: -gramme   

A combining form meaning "something drawn, written" (diagram, spectrogram, oscillogram).

From Gk. -gramma, combining form of gramma "something written or drawn," → graph.

-Negâšt, from negâšt "drawn, written;" p.p. of negâštan, negârdan "to paint, write," → graph.

-negâr (#)

Fr.: -graphe   

A suffix meaning "drawn, written," specialized in meaning to indicate the instrument rather than the written product of the instrument.

A suffix, from Gk. -graphos "(something) drawn or written, one who draws or writes," from graphein "to draw, write."

A suffix from the stem of negârdan, negâštan "to paint, write," → graph.


Fr.: -graphique   

An adjective relating to → -graph.

-graph + → -ic.

-negâri (#)

Fr.: -graphie   

A combining form denoting a process or form of drawing, writing, representing, recording, describing, etc., or an art or science concerned with such a process. Examples: geography; orthography; → photography; → radiography; → selenography; → tomography.



Fr.: -èdre   

A combining form meaning "face" used in the names of geometrical solid figures having the form or number of faces specified by the initial element.

N.L., from Gk -edron, from hedra "seat, base, chair, face of a geometric solid," from PIE root *sed- "to → sit."

Dimé, from dim, → face.

   -پزشکی، -درمانی   
-pezeški, -darmâni


A suffix forming a noun meaning "healing, medical practice." Same as → -iatry.

From -iatr(y), from Gk. iateria "heling," iatros "heal", + → -ics.

Pezeški, → medicine, darmâni, from darmân, → remedy.

   -پزشکی، -درمانی   
-pezeški, -darmâni

Fr.: -iatrie   

Same as → -iatrics.

   -ایک، -ای   
-ik (#), -i (#)

Fr.: -ique   

A suffix forming adjectives from nouns and bearing several senses; adjective suffix of nouns ending in → -ics.


-ik (#)

Fr.: -ique   

A suffix of nouns that denotes science, knowledge, principles, characteristic actions or activities, such as → physics, → statistics, → ballistics, politics, ethics. See also → -logy.

Suffix -ics, from -ic + plural suffix -s, from O.Fr. -ique, from L. -icus, Gk. -ikos; cf. O.E. -ig, from P.Gmc. *-iga, Ger. -ig.

Mod.Pers. -ik, from Mid.Pers. -ik or -ig, possibly from the Av. noun and adjective forming suffix -ika, -ka, -aka (as in ainika- "face," maršdika- "mercy," pairikā- "fairy," kasvika- "trifling," kutaka- "small," ahmāka- "ours"). In Mid.Pers. it had an extensive use for creating adjectives of relation. Some examples:
cihrik, cihrig "natural," from cihr (Mod.Pers. cehr);
gohrik, gohrig "natural, essential," from gohr (Mod.Pers. gowhar);
gumânik, gumânig "doubtful," from gumân (Mod.Pers. gomân);
kunišnik "doable, related to action," from konišn (Mod.Pers. koneš);
mânik, mânig "household belonging, household member," from mân (Mod.Pers. mân);
manik "mine, related to me," from man (Mod.Pers. man);
narik "related to male," from nar (Mod.Pers. nar);
xvartik, xwarišnig "edible," from xvart, xwarišn (Mod.Pers. xord, xoreš);
gâsânik, gâhânig "related to the Gathas (the oldest songs of the Avesta, which are attributed to Zarathushtra himself)," from gâsân (Mod.Pers. gâhân);
dâtik, dâdig "legal, concerned with the law," from dât (Mod.Pers. dâd).

Although it has changed into -i in Mod.Pers. (like O.E. -ig into E. -y, as in juicy, dreamy), it is extant in a number of adjectives: târik "dark;" nazdik "near;" bârik "narrow;" zandik (Arabicized zandiq) "heretic;" Monjik (Termezi), pen name of an 11th century Persian poet, from monj "honeybee," referring to his poems being as sweet as honey. The suffix is active in the Tabari dialect, as in larzenik "subject to fear, full of fear, timorous, fearful," ramendik "timid, fugitive," xordinik "very small," bermendik, bərmənik "person who cries easily, highly sensitive person," from bərmən "cry," and also appears as -ij in yušij "related to, belong to Yuš (a famous village in Mâzandarân)," and in the dialect of Boyin-Zahra dehij "villager, peasant, rustic" from deh "village." In recent years -ik has been reactivated in technical terminology to render E. -ics (Fr. -ique, Ger. -ik), as in the following examples: âvâyik "phonetics;" farmânik "cybernetics;" ma'nâyik "semantics;" nurik "optics;" partâbik "ballistics;" tavânik, niruyik "dynamics;" zabânik "linguistics."

The revival of -ik is interesting for several reasons, mainly:
a) In the European scientific terminology, branches of science are denoted by two suffixes:
1) -logy, as in biology, geology, mineralogy, etc. The Pers. counterpart of this suffix is the widely used -šenâsi, → -logy;
2) -ics, as in biotics, dynamics, kinematics, mathematics, etc. Lacking a Pers. equivalent until recently, -ics was equated with -logy. However, the Pers. suffix -ik produces helpful semantic nuances and allows us new constructions from the same base, for example:
biology "zistšenâsi;"
biotics "zistik."
b) Moreover, in some cases -ik is more efficient than -šenâsi. For example, if we translate ballistics by partâbšenâsi, how should we render ballistic missile? Mušak-e partâbšenâsi, mušak-e partâbšenâxti, or mušak-e partâbšenâsâné? All these possibilities seem unfitting, and no matter which adjective we choose among them the problem remains. The reason is that here ballistic does not really refer to the science (-šenâsi) but points to the action of throwing, → ballistic missile. This problem can be turned around using -ik: mušak-e partâbik.
c) It is not phonetically straightforward in Pers. to make adjectives with the -i suffix from words which end in -i, in particular with -šenâsi. The use of -ik solves this problem and produces adjectives which themselves do not end in -i, for example → astronomical unit "yekâ-ye axtaršnâsik" instead of "~ axtaršnâxti".

-id (#)

Fr.: -ide   

A suffix used to form names of chemical compounds.

From -ide, extracted from Fr. → oxide.


Fr.: -ides   

Suffix denoting "family of," as in Andromedids, Aquarids, Bielids, Draconids, Geminids, Perseids, and so on.

Plural form of L. -id-, from -is, Gk. fem. patronymic suffix; or from L. -ides, from Gk. masc. patronymic suffix.

-iyân plural form of -i, suffix of relation, adjective + -y- euphonic infix (epenthesis) + -ân plural suffix, as in Haxâmanešiyân "Achaemenids," Sâsâniyân "Sasanides," and so on.



1a) A suffix forming the present participle of verbs, e.g. going, observing, writing.
1b) A suffix forming adjectives from participles, e.g. a moving object, a flying bird, a crying baby.
1c) A suffix forming an adjective not derived from a verb, e.g. swashbuckling.
2) A suffix that forms nouns denoting the action of, process of, result of, or something connected with the verb preceding it, e.g. becoming, sleeping, working.

1) M.E. -ing, -inde, from O.E. -ende; cf. Ger. -end, Goth. -and, Gk. -on, L. -ans, Skt. -ant, Av. -ant, Pers. -ân.
2) O.E. -ing, -ung; cf. O.N. -ing, Du. -ing, Ger. -ung.

   -باوری، -گرایی، -گروی، -گری، -مندی و دیگرها   
-bâvari, -gerâyi, -geravi, -gari, -mandi, etc.

Fr.: -isme   

A suffix denoting several senses, including state or condition, devotion or adherence, principle, doctrine, act, process.

From Gk. -ismos, -isma noun suffixes, often directly, often through L. -ismus, -isma, sometimes through Fr. -isme, Ger. -ismus (all ultimately from Gk.); → -ist.

   -باور، -گرا، -گرو، -گر، -مند و دیگرها   
-bâvar, -gerâ, -gerow, -gar, -mand, etc.

Fr.: -iste   

A suffix of nouns, often corresponding to verbs ending in -ize or nouns ending in → -ism, that is used to form an agent noun indicating adherence to a certain doctrine or custom, practicing a particular skill or profession, and so on.

From Fr. -iste, from L. -ista, from Gk. -istes.

-bâvar, from bâvar "belief;" Mid.Pers. wâbar "belief;" Proto-Iranian *uar- "to choose; to convince; to believe;" cf. Av. var- "to choose; to convince" varəna-, varana- "conviction, faith;" O.Pers. v(a)r- "to choose; to convince;" Skt. vr- "to choose," vara- "choosing."
-gerâ, from gerâyidan "to incline toward; to intend; to make for," infinitive of gerâ, the etymology of which is not clear. Gerâ may be a variant of Mod.Pers. kil "bent, inclined" (k/g and l/r interchanges), from PIE base *klei- "to lean, incline," cognate with L. clinare "to bend" (E. declination, inclination, etc.), Gk. klinein "to cause to slope, slant, incline," Skt. sri- "to lean," O.Pers. θray-, Av. sray- "to lean," (cf. Ger. lehnen, E. lean).
-gerow, -gerav present stem of geravidan "to believe, confide in; to obey;" Mid.Pers. virrôy(i)stan , related to bâvar, as above, ultimately from Proto-Iranian *uar- (Cheung 2007).
-gar from kar-, kardan "to do, to make" (Mid.Pers. kardan; O.Pers./Av. kar- "to do, make, build;" Av. kərənaoiti "makes;" cf. Skt. kr- "to do, to make;" krnoti "makes," karma "act, deed;" PIE base kwer- "to do, to make").
-mand possession suffix, from Mid.Pers. -omand; O.Pers./Av. -mant; cf. Skt. -mant.


Fr.: -istique   

A suffix of adjectives denoting "relating to, characteristic of;" often in adjectives corresponding to nouns in → -ism or nouns in → -ist.

L. -isticus, from Gk. -istikos, → -ist + → -ic.

<< < -es -it -sc 201 951 abe abs abs aca acc acc aco act ada adh ado aer aft air Alf alg alk alp Alt alt amb ana And ang ani ann ant ant ant apo app app Apu arc arg Arn art ass ast ast ast atm ato att aur aut avo azi bac bal bar bar bat Bea Bel bet bia big bin bio Bir bla bla blo Blu bol Boo bou box bre Bri bro bur cal cal Can cap car Car cat cau cel cen cen cha Cha cha che Chi chr cir cir civ cla clo clo CMB coa coe coh col col col com com com com com com com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con coo cor cor cor Cos cos cos cou cou cra cri cro cry cul cur cyc D l dar dat day dea dec dec dec def def deg Del Den dep der det deu dew dic dif dif dil dip dir dis dis dis dis dis diu dog Dop dou Dra Dsc dus dwa dyn Dys Ear ecc eco edg egg Ein Ela ele ele ele ele ell eme emp enc eng ent epi equ equ equ eru eth Eur eve exa exc exe exi exo exp ext ext ext fab fai Fan fea fem fer fie fil fir fir fla fli flu foc for for for fra fre fre fri fun fuz gal gal gal Gam gau Gau gen geo geo geo geo Gib glo gov gra gra gra gra gre gro Gui H-a hal Ham har Hay hea hei hel Hel her het hie hig hoa hom hor hot Hub Hug hur hyd hyd hyl hyp ice ide ima ima imp imp inc inc ind ine inf inf inf ing inn ins ins int int int int int int int int inv inv ion iro Isl iso iso Jab jet Jov Jup Kar Kep kil Kip Kra Lag Lam Lan Lar las law lea Leg Leo lev lig lim lin lin lin lit loc loc log Lor low lum lun lun Lym Mac mag mag mag mag mag mai Mal map mas mas mat Mau mea mea med Men mer Mes Met met mic mic Mie mil min Mir mix mod mol mom Moo mor mov mul mur n-b nan nat nea neg Ner neu new New NGC noc nom non non nor nor nuc nuc nul nut obj obl obs occ oct off old one ope opp opt opt orb ord org Ori osc oth ove Owl P-s Pal par par par par Pas pat pec pen per per per per per Pha pha pho pho pho phy pie pix Pla pla pla pla Pli Poi pol pol pol pol por pos pos pow pre pre pre pre pri pri pri pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pub pul pyc qua qua qua qua qui rad rad rad rad rad rad rai ran rar Ray rea Rea rec rec red red ref ref reg rel rel rel ren res res res res ret rev Ric rig rin roc roo rot rot rur S5- Sal sat sca sca Sch sci Scu sec sec sed sel sel sem seq set sha she sho sid sie sil sim sin sit sky slo sno sod sol sol sol sol son sou spa spa spe spe spe spe sph spi spo squ sta sta sta sta ste ste ste Sti sto str str sub sub sub sul sup sup sup sup sur sur syl syn sys tal Tay tel ten ter tex the the the the Tho thr tid tim Tit too Tor tra tra Tra tra Tra tri Tri tru tub tur two Typ ult ult unc uni uni uni upl ura uti val var vec vel ver Ver vie vir vis vis vol W-R war wav wav wea Wei wha wid win WN3 Wol wri xen yok zen zij > >>