An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 316 Search : act
  ۱) برهنجیدن؛ ۲) برهنجه   
1) barhanjidan; 2) barhanje

Fr.: 1) extraire; 2) extrait   

1a) To draw or pull out, often with great force or effort.
1b) To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressure, distillation, or evaporation.
1c) To derive or obtain (information, for example) from a source.
1d) Math.: To determine or calculate (the root of a number).
2) Something extracted (

From L. extractus, p.p. of extrahere "to draw out," from → ex-"out, out of" + trahere "to draw" "to pull, draw," from PIE root *tragh- "to draw, drag, move."

Barhanjidan, from bar- "on; upon; against; before; at; in," → object, + hanjidan "to draw, to pull," variants âxtan, âhixtan, âhiz-, halanjidan, lenjidan; Mid.Pers. âhynj- "to draw up," other Pers. cognate sanjidan, farhang, nehang, etc.; ultimately from prefixed (*a-) Proto-Ir. *θanj- "to pull, draw;" Av. θanj- "to pull, to draw."


Fr.: extraction   

1) The act of extracting or the condition of being extracted.
2) Something obtained by extracting; an extract (

extract; → -tion.

  استرکهکشانی، برون‌کهکشانی   
ostar-kahkašâni, borun-kahkašâni

Fr.: extragalactique   

Of, pertaining to, or dealing with the space beyond the Milky Way.

From → extra- + → galactic.

extragalactic astronomy
  اخترشناسی ِ استرکهکشانی، ~ برون‌کهکشانی   
axtaršenâi-ye ostar-kahkašâni, ~ borun-kahkašâni

Fr.: astronomie extragalactique   

The branch of astronomy that deals with objects beyond the Milky Way, especially galaxies and quasars.

extragalactic; → astronomy.

extragalactic background light (EBL)
  نور ِ پس-زمینه‌ی ِ استر-کهکشانی   
nur-e paszimine-ye ostarkahkeši

Fr.: lumière du fond extragalactique   

The integrated intensity of all of the light emitted throughout the history of the Universe across the whole of the → electromagnetic spectrum, including those which are not individually detected. The EBL spectrum includes cosmological backgrounds associated with either primordial phenomena, such as the → cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), or photons emitted by stars, galaxies and → active galactic nuclei (AGN) due to → nucleosynthesis or other → radiative processes, including → dust scattering, → absorption and reradiation. The EBL may also contain signals that are diffuse and extended, including high-energy photons associated with dark matter particle decays or annihilation.

extragalactic; → background; → light.

  باشا، بوده   
bâšâ, budé (#)

Fr.: fait   

Something that has actual existence; a piece of information presented as having objective reality. → scientific fact.

L. factum "event, occurrence," literally "something done, deed," from neut. p.p. of facere "to do" (cf. Fr. faire, Sp. hacer), from PIE base *dhe- "to put, to do" (cf. Mod.Pers. dâdan "to give;" O.Pers./Av. dā- "to give, grant, yield," dadāiti "he gives; puts;" Skt. dadáti "puts, places;" Hitt. dai- "to place;" Gk. tithenai "to put, set, place;" Lith. deti "to put;" Czech diti, Pol. dziac', Rus. det' "to hide," delat' "to do;" O.H.G. tuon, Ger. tun, O.E. don "to do").

Bâšâ, from bâš + agent suffix; bâš, present stem of budan "to be," from Mid.Pers. budan, from O.Pers./Av. bav- "to be; become, take place;" Av. buta- perf. ptcpl. pass., bavaiti "becomes" (cf. Skt. bhavati "becomes, happens," bhavah "becoming; condition, state;" PIE *bheu- "to be, come into being, become;" Gk. phu- "become," phuein "to bring forth, make grow;" L. fui "I was" (perf. tense of esse), futurus "that is to be, future;" Ger. present first and second person sing. bin, bist; E. to be; Lith. bu'ti "to be;" Rus. byt' "to be"); budé also from budan.


Fr.: facteur   

1) One that actively contributes to the production of a result.
2) Math.: Any of the numbers or symbols that when multiplied together form a → product.

M.Fr. facteur "agent, representative," from L. factor "doer or maker," from facere "to do" (cf. Fr. faire, Sp. hacer); from PIE base *dhe- "to put, to do;" cf. Skt. dadhati "puts, places;" Av. dadaiti "he puts;" Hitt. dai- "to place;" Gk. tithenai "to put, set, place;" Lith. deti "to put;" Rus. det' "to hide," delat' "to do;" O.H.G. tuon; Ger. tun; O.S., O.E. don "to do."

Karvand, from kar- root of Mod.Pers. verb kardan "to do, to make" (Mid.Pers. kardan; O.Pers./Av. kar- "to do, make, build;" Av. kərənaoiti "he makes;" cf. Skt. kr- "to do, to make," krnoti "he makes, he does," karoti "he makes, he does," karma "act, deed;" PIE base kwer- "to do, to make") + -vand a suffix forming adjectives and agent nouns.

factor tree
  درخت ِ کروند   
deraxt-e karvand

Fr.: arbre des facteurs   

A diagram representing a systematic way of determining all the prime factors of a number.

factor; → tree.

  ۱) کرونده؛ ۲) کروندی   
1) karvandeh; 2) karvandi

Fr.: factoriel   

1) (n.) The product of all the positive integers from 1 to n, denoted by symbol n!
2) (adj.) of or pertaining to factors or factorials.

factor + -ial, from L. -alis, → -al.

  کروندیدن، کروند گرفتن   
karvandidan, karvand gereftan

Fr.: factoriser   

The operation of resolving a quantity into factors.

factor + → -ize.

Fermi interaction
  اندرژیرش ِ فرمی   
andaržirš-e Fermi

Fr.: interaction de Fermi   

An old explanation, proposed by Enrico Fermi, of the → weak interaction.

fermi; → interaction.

filling factor
  کروند ِ پُری   
karvand-e pori

Fr.: facteur de remplissage   

Of a molecular cloud or a nebula, the ratio of the volumes filled with matter to the total volume of the cloud.

Filling, from fill, from O.E. fyllan, from P.Gmc. *fullijan (cf. Du. vullen, Ger. füllen "to fill"), a derivative of adj. *fullazfull; → factor.

Karvand, → factor; pori, from por, → full.

first contact
  پرماس ِ نخست   
parmâs-e naxost

Fr.: premier contact   

1) The beginning of a → solar eclipse when the eastern part of the lunar limb touches the western limb of the Sun, marking the beginning of an eclipse.
2) For a → lunar eclipse, the moment when the eastern limb of the Moon is the first to enter the Earth's shadow.

first; → contact.

fourth contact
  پرماس ِ چهارم   
parmâs-e cahârom

Fr.: quatrième contact   

The end of a solar eclipse marked by the disk of the Moon completely passing away from the disk of the Sun.

From M.E. fourthe, O.E. féowertha, from four, from O.E. feower, from P.Gmc. *petwor- (cf. Du. and Ger. vier, O.N. fjorir, Dan. fire, Sw. fyra), from PIE *qwetwor (cf. Mod.Pers. cahâr, Av. caθwar-, catur-, Skt. catvarah, Gk. tessares, L. quattuor) + -th a suffix used in the formation of ordinal numbers, from M.E. -the, -te, O.E. -tha, -the; cf. O.N. -thi, -di; L. -tus; Gk -tos; → contact.

Parmâs, → contact; cahârom cardinal form from cahâr "four," cognate with E. four, as above.

barxâl (#)

Fr.: fractal   

A geometrical or physical structure that repeats itself or nearly repeats itself on many different scales of magnification.

From Fr. fractale, term coined by Benoit Mandelbrot (1975), from frac(tus) "broken, uneven", → fraction, + -ale-al.

Barxâl, from barx, → fraction, + -âl-al.

fractal cosmology
  کیهانشناخت ِ برخالی   
keyhânšenâxt-e barxâli

Fr.: cosmologie fractale   

The postulate that the concentrations of matter in the Universe follow a → fractal structure over a wide range of scales.

fractal; → cosmology.

fractal structure
  ساختار ِ برخالی   
sâxtâr-e barxâli

Fr.: structure fractale   

A → hierarchial structure that can be likened to fractals.

fractal; → structure

barxé (#)

Fr.: fraction   

A rational number of the form a/b where a is called the numerator and b is called the denominator.

From L.L. fractionem (nom. fractio) "a breaking in pieces," from frangere "to break," from PIE base *bhreg- "to break" (cf. Goth. brikan, O.E. brecan "to break;" Lith. brasketi "crash, crack").

Barxé, from barx "lot, portion," variant bahr, from Mid.Pers. bahr "lot, share, portion," Av. baxəδra- "portion."


Fr.: fractionnaire, fractionné, partiel   

1) Math.: Pertaining to fractions; constituting a fraction.
2) Chemistry: Of or relating to any process by which parts of a mixture are separated by exploiting differences in their physical properties, such as their boiling points, solubility, or other characteristics.

fraction; → -al.

fractional sky coverage
  پوشش ِ برخه‌ای ِ آسمان   
pušeš-e barxe-yi-ye âsmân

Fr.: couverture partielle du ciel   

The portion of the 4π → steradians of the sky that a radiotelescope can observe from a given location on Earth over a 24-hour time interval.

fractional; → sky; → coverage.

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