An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 139 Search : all
International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA)
  همدستی ِ اندرنفانی ِ نپاهشگاه ِ ویر‌آگین   
hamdasti-ye andarnafâni-ye nepâhešgâh-e virâgin

Fr.: Alliance internationale de l'Observatoire Virtuel   

An international cooperation whose objective is to facilitate the international coordination and collaboration necessary for the development and deployment of the tools, systems and organizational structures necessary to enable the international utilization of astronomical archives as an integrated and interoperating → Virtual Observatory. The IVOA, created in 2002, now comprises 20 Virtual Observatory programs from various countries and international organizations.

international; → virtual; → observatory; → alliance.

kinematically decoupled core (KDC)
  مغزه‌ی ِ جنبشیکانه واجفسریده   
maqze-ye jonbešikâné vâjafsaridé

Fr.: cœur cinématiquement découplé   

A central, tightly bound stellar subsystem observed in some elliptical galaxies which rotates in the opposite direction with respect to the main body of the → elliptical galaxy. Elliptical galaxies are thought to be the result of the → merger of two or more sizable galaxies. A plausible scenario for how counter-rotating cores could form in such a merger is as follows. If at least one of the galaxies has a core region that is fairly tightly bound by the galaxy's gravity, and the direction in which the two galaxies orbit each other before merging is opposite to the direction of rotation of stars in that tightly bound core, it is likely that, after the merger, the tightly bound core will end up as the core of the new, larger galaxy, while retaining its original sense of rotation. The surrounding stars, on the other hand, will rotate in a different way dictated by the orbital motion of the galaxies around each other, before the merger. While this is a plausible scenario, it can only explain some of the counter-rotating cores. Recently A. Tsatsi et al. (2015, ApJ 802, L3) have shown that although the two → progenitor galaxies are initially following a → prograde orbit, strong reactive forces during the merger can cause a short-lived change of their orbital spin; the two progenitors follow a → retrograde orbit right before their final coalescence. This results in a central kinematic decoupling and the formation of a large-scale (~2 kpc radius) counter-rotating core at the center of the final elliptical-like merger remnant, while its outer parts keep the rotation direction of the initial orbital spin.

kinematical; → decouple; → core.

logically equivalent
  گوییکانه هموگ‌ارز   
guyikâné hamug-arz

Fr.: logiquement équivalent   

Describing two → compound propositions → if and only if they have the same → truth table.

logical; → equivalent.

low-metallicity environment
  پرگیر ِ کم‌فلز   
pargir-e kamfelez

Fr.: environnement faible en métaux   

A medium in which chemical elements have abundances smaller than the solar values.

low; → metallicity; → environment.

lunar parallax
  دیدگشت ِ مانگی   
didgašt-e mângi

Fr.: parallaxe lunaire   

The apparent shift in the → Moon's position relative to the background stars when observed from different places on Earth. The first parallax determination was for the Moon, by Hipparchus (150 B.C.). He determined that one-fifth of the Sun's angular diameter corresponded to the lunar parallax between Hellespont and Alexandria.

lunar; → parallax.

mass-metallicity relation (MZR)
  بازانش ِ جرم-فلزیگی   
bâzâneš-e jerm-felezigi

Fr.: relation masse-métallicité   

A correlation between the → stellar mass (or → luminosity) and the → gas metallicity of → star-forming galaxies (Lequeux et al. 1979) according to which massive galaxies have higher gas metallicities. Several large galaxy surveys, such as the → Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), have confirmed that galaxies at all → redshifts with higher stellar masses retain more metals than galaxies with lower stellar masses. Besides the dependence on stellar mass, other studies have found further dependences of gas metallicity on other physical properties at a given mass, such as → specific star formation rate, → star formation rate, and stellar age. These higher dimensional relations could provide additional constraints to the processes that regulate the metal enrichment in galaxies. In addition to gas metallicity, also the → stellar metallicity of galaxies is found to correlate with the stellar mass, suggesting the mass-metallicity relation already existed at early epochs of galaxy evolution (Lian et al., 2017, MNRAS 474, 1143, and references therein).

mass; → metallicity; → relation.

mean parallax
  دیدگشت ِ میانگین   
didgašt-e miyângin

Fr.: parallaxe moyenne   

The parallax, derived by means of statistical studies of brightness and motions, for a large group of stars whose individual parallaxes cannot be measured.

mean; → parallax.

  ساز-و-کاریکانه، ساز-و-کاروارانه   
sâzokârikâné, sâzokârvârâné

Fr.: mécaniquement   

1) In a mechanical manner; by a mechanism.
2) In a machine-like manner; without feeling.

mechanical; → -ly.

felezi (#)

Fr.: métallique   

Of, relating to, or consisting of metal.

metal; → -ic.

metallic hydrogen
  هیدروژن ِ فلزی   
hidrožen-e felezi

Fr.: hydrogène métallique   

A kind of → degenerate matter resulting from hydrogen gas when it is sufficiently compressed to undergo a phase change to liquid or solid state. Metallic hydrogen is thought to be present in compressed astronomical objects, such as the interiors of the solar system planets Jupiter and Saturn. Above the core of these planets (at a temperature of 10,000 degrees and a pressure of 3 million bars) the electrons are squeezed out of the hydrogen atoms and the fluid starts to conduct like a metal.

metallic; → hydrogen.


Fr.: métallicité   

In a star, nebula, or galaxy, the proportion of the material that is made up of → metals, that is elements heavier than → helium. It is generally denoted by Z. The term "metallicity" is a misnomer used in astrophysics.
1) In practice, the metallicity of stars is usually expressed by the number ratio of → iron atoms to → hydrogen atoms per unit volume, with respect to the solar values: [Fe/H] = log10(NFe/NH)star - log10(NFe/NH)Sun, where NFe and NH are the numbers of iron and hydrogen atoms per unit volume. In fact it is taken to be equal to the iron → abundance with respect to the solar value. The solar logarithmic iron abundance is 7.50 ± 0.04 (Asplund et al. 2009, ARAA 47, 481), with respect to that of hydrogen which, by convention, is 12.00. Stellar metallicity is often expressed in mass fraction. See also → solar metallicity.
2) Nebular metallicity is often defined as the relative abundance of → oxygen: (NO/NH)neb/(NO/NH)Sun, where NO and NH represent the numbers of oxygen and hydrogen atoms per unit volume.

From metallic, from → metal + → -ity.

metallicity distribution function (MDF)
  کریای ِ واباژش ِ فلزیگی   
karyâ-ye vâbâžeš-e felezigi

Fr.: fonction de distribution de métallicité   

A plot representing the number of stars (or systems) per metallicity interval, usually expressed in [Fe/H] (abundance of → iron relative to → hydrogen).

metallicity; → distribution; → function.

metallicity gradient
  زینه‌ی ِ فلزیگی   
zine-ye felezigi

Fr.: gradient de métallicité   

The decrease in the → abundances of → heavy elements in a → disk galaxy as a function of distance from the center. Radial metallicity gradients are observed in many galaxies, including the → Milky Way and other galaxies of the → Local Group. In the case of the Milky Way, several objects can be used to determine the gradients: → H II regions, → B stars, → Cepheids, → open clusters, and → planetary nebulae. The main diagnostic elements are oxygen, sulphur, neon, and argon in photoionized nebulae, and iron and other elements in Cepheids, open clusters, and stars. Cepheids are probably the most accurate indicators of abundance gradients in the Milky Way. They are bright enough to be observed at large distances, so that accurate distances and spectroscopic abundances of several elements can be obtained. Average abundance gradients are generally between -0.03 → dex/kpc and -0.10 dex/kpc, with a a flattening out of the gradients at large galactocentric distances (≥ 10 kpc). The existence of these gradients offers the opportunity to test models of → chemical evolution of galaxies and stellar → nucleosynthesis.

metallicity; → gradient.

method of small perturbations
  روش ِ پرتورش‌های ِ کوچک   
raveš-e parturešhâ-ye kucak

Fr.: méthode des petites perturbations   

The linearization of the appropriate equations governing a system by the assumption of a steady state, with departures from that steady state limited to small perturbations. Also called perturbation method.

method; → small; → perturbation.

mutually exclusive
  دوسویه سکلاننده   
dosuyé sokolânandé

Fr.: mutuellement exclusif   

In → probability theory, of or pertaining to two → events A and B, if they cannot occur together, i.e. the occurrence of one precludes the occurrence of the other: A ∩ B = 0.

mutual; → -ly; → exclusive.

  نورانه، نوریکانه   
nurâné, nurikâné

Fr.: optiquement   

Adverb of → optical.

optical + -ly.

Nurâné, from nur, → light, + -âné "-ly;" nurikâné, from nurik, → optical, + -âné "-ly."

optically active
  نورانه ژیرا   
nurâné žirâ

Fr.: optiquement actif   

Relating to → optical activity.

optically; → active.

optically thick
  نورانه ستبر، نوریکانه ~   
nurâné setabr, nurikâné ~

Fr.: optiquement épais   

The qualifier of a medium in which the → optical depth is large, significantly larger than 1.

optically; → thick.

optically thick wind
  باد ِ نورانه ستبر   
bâd-e nurâné setabr

Fr.: vent optiquement épais   

A wind with the → sonic point located at large optical depth for continuum. In particular, → Wolf-Rayet star winds are → optically thick. However, the outer parts of W-R winds are → optically thin for continuum, and in those regions the matter flow is driven by the same mechanism as in the winds of OB stars.

optically; → thick; → wind.

optically thin
  نورانه تنک، نوریکانه ~   
nurâné tonok, nurikâné ~

Fr.: optiquement mince   

The qualifier of a medium in which the → optical depth is large, significantly smaller than 1.

optically; → thin.

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