Ap star setâre-ye Ap Fr.: étoile Ap A star of spectral type A in which lines of ionized metals and → rare-earth elements are abnormally enhanced. Such stars have unusually strong magnetic fields, thousands of times stronger than the Sun's typical surface field. Ap stars are generally slow rotators because of magnetic braking. |
rapidly oscillating Ap star Fr.: étoile Ap à oscillation rapide A chemically peculiar star characterized by the presence of high-frequency non-radial oscillations, with periods that range between about 4 and 16 min. These variations have periods from about 5 to 20 minutes and low amplitudes (B < 10 mmag). They are consistent with acoustic (→ p mode) pulsations of low degree and high radial overtone. |
roAp star setâre-ye Ap-ye tond navandé Fr.: étoile Ap à oscillation rapide Same as → rapidly oscillating Ap star |