Bonnor-Ebert mass jerm-e Bonnor-Ebert Fr.: masse de Bonnor-Ebert The largest gravitationally stable mass of the → Bonnor-Ebert sphere. After W.B. Bonnor (1956) and R. Ebert (1955); → mass. |
critical Bonnor-Ebert mass jerm-e paržani-ye Bonnor-Ebert Fr.: masse critique de Bonnor-Ebert The upper value of mass that a → Bonnor-Ebert sphere must have in order that → hydrodynamic equilibrium be maintained. This → critical mass is given by: Mcrit = 1.18 (a4/G3/2)Pext-1/2, where a = (kT/m)1/2 is the isothermal → sound speed inside the sphere, G is the → gravitational constant, and Pext the pressure of the external medium (see, e.g., F. H. Shu, 1977, ApJ 214, 488). → critical; → Bonnor-Ebert mass. |