Hamiltonian dynamics tavânik-e Hamilton Fr.: dynamique hamiltonienne The study of → dynamical systems in terms of the → Hamilton's equations. → Hamiltonian function; → dynamics. |
Hamiltonian formalism disegerâyi-ye Hamilton Fr.: formalisme de Hamilton A reformulation of classical mechanics that predicts the same outcomes as classical mechanics. → Hamiltonian dynamics. → Hamiltonian; → mechanics. |
Hamiltonian function karyâ-ye Hâmilton Fr.: fonction de Hamilton A function that describes the motion of a → dynamical system in terms of the → Lagrangian function, → generalized coordinates, → generalized momenta, and time. For a → holonomic system having n degrees of freedom, the Hamiltonian function is of the form: H = Σpiq.i - L(qi,q.i,t) (summed from i = 1 to n), where L is the Lagrangian function. If L does not depend explicitly on time, the system is said to be → conservative and H is the total energy of the system. The Hamiltonian function plays a major role in the study of mechanical systems. Also called → Hamiltonian. Introduced in 1835 by the Irish mathematician and physicist William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865); → function. |
Hamiltonian operator âpârgar-e Hamilton Fr.: opérateur hamiltonien The dynamical operator in → quantum mechanics that corresponds to the → Hamiltonian function in classical mechanics. → Hamiltonian function; → operator. |