Hubble-Sandage variable vartande-ye Hubble-Sandage Fr.: variable de Hubble-Sandage A type of highly luminous → blue supergiant star with variable light, first discovered in the M31 and M33 galaxies; also called → S Doradus stars. They are now believed to be part of the class of → Luminous Blue Variable stars. → Hubble; Allan Rex Sandage (1926-2010), American cosmologist. |
normalized Hubble parameter pârâmun-e Hubble-e hanjârvaridé Fr.: paramètre Hubble normalisé A dimensionless parameter expressed by h(z) = H(z)/H0, where H(z) is the → Hubble parameter at → redshift z and H0 is the → Hubble constant. → normalized; → Hubble; → parameter. |