inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) bâzâvâyi-ye Lindblad-e daruni Fr.: résonance de Lindblad interne A → Lindblad resonance expressed by: Ωp = Ω - κ/m. → inner; → Lindblad resonance. |
Lindblad resonance bâzâvâyi-ye Lindblad Fr.: résonance de Lindblad A kinematic resonance hypothesized to explain the existence of galactic → spiral arms. It occurs when the frequency at which a star encounters the spiral → density wave is a multiple of its → epicyclic frequency. Orbital resonances occur at the location in the disk where Ωp = Ω ± κ/m, where Ωp is → pattern speed, κ → epicyclic frequency, and m an integer representing the number of spiral arms. The minus sign corresponds to the inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) and the plus sign to the outer Lindblad resonance (OLR). The corotation resonance corresponds to Ωp = Ω. In general, the Lindblad resonances are defined for two spiral arms (m = 2), and low order. There are other less important resonances corresponding to higher m values. These resonances tend to increase the object's orbital eccentricity and to cause its longitude of periapse to line up in phase with the perturbing force. Lindblad resonances drive spiral density waves both in galaxies (where stars are subject to forcing by the spiral arms themselves) and in Saturn's rings (where ring particles are subject to forcing by Saturn's moons). After the originator of the model, Bertil Lindblad (1895-1965), a Swedish astronomer, who made important contributions to the study of the rotation of the Galaxy; → resonance. |
outer Lindblad resonance (OLP) bâzâvâyi-ye Lindblad-e boruni Fr.: résonance de Lindblad externe A → Lindblad resonance expressed by: Ωp = Ω + κ/m. → outer; → Lindblad resonance. |