Noachian era دوران ِ نوحیانه dowrân-e Nuhiyâné
Fr.: ère noachienne >Noachian era =
dowrân-e Nuhiyâné
دوران ِ نوحیانه Fr.: ère noachienne
The oldest geological era on Mars, which started from the planet's birth
and lasted until about 3.8 billion years ago.
Features such as dried-up river valleys and delta features
suggest that the climate may have been warmer and wetter. It is believed also that
lakes and oceans could have existed.
→ Amazonian era; → Hesperian era.The oldest geological era on Mars, which started from the planet's birth
and lasted until about 3.8 billion years ago.
Features such as dried-up river valleys and delta features
suggest that the climate may have been warmer and wetter. It is believed also that
lakes and oceans could have existed.
→ Amazonian era; → Hesperian era.
Noachian, named for → Noachis Terra "Land of Noah;"
→ era. |