Sagittarius B2 Nimasb B2 Fr.: Sagittarius B2 A massive (3 × 106 → solar masses), dense (up to 108 particles per cm3) → H II region and → molecular cloud complex located near the → Galactic center (about 390 → light-years from it) and about 26,000 light-years from Earth. This complex is one of the largest in the → Milky Way, spanning a region about 150 light-years across. The mean → hydrogen → density within the cloud is 3,000 atoms per cm3, which is about 20-40 times denser than a typical molecular cloud. It is the richest molecular source in the Galaxy in which many different types of → interstellar molecule have been identified, including glycine, the simplest amino acid, and the sugar molecule glycoaldehyde. → Sagittarius. |