Scheat (β Peg) Asb-šâné Fr.: Scheat The second-brightest star in the constellation → Pegasus. It is a giant star of spectral type M2.5 II-III whose magnitude varies between 2.3 and 2.7. Scheat, from Ar. as-sâq "leg," erroneously taken from
the Ar. name of δ Aquarii as-sâq al-sâkib al-ma'
( Asb-šâné, literally "the Horse's Shoulder," from asb→ horse + šâné "shoulder" (Lori šona, Kurd. šân, Gilaki cân, con), maybe related to Skt. skandhá- "shoulder, trunk of tree, bulk" (Pali khandha-, Ashkun kándä, Bashkarih kân, Tôrwâldi kan "shoulder"), from skand- "to jump, leap, spring out," skandati "he jumps;" cf. L. scandere "to climb." |