Beaufort scale marpel-e Beaufort Fr.: échelle de Beaufort A system for estimating and reporting wind speeds which has 13 standardized categories and associated descriptions. The Beaufort scale ranges from 0 for complete calm to 12 for a cyclone. In this scale, the wind speed (in km/h) equals 3B1.5, where B is the Beaufort number of the wind. The scale was originally devised for use at sea but has subsequently been modified for use over land. Named after Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort (1774-1857), who introduced the first version of the system in 1805; → scale. |
UFO UFO Fr.: OVNI Short for → unidentified flying object. |
UFO sighting didâr-e UFO Fr.: vision d'OVNI The act or occasion of catching sight of a UFO. → UFO; sighting, from sight, M.E. from O.E. sihth; cf. Dan. sigte, Swed. sigt, Du. zicht, O.H.G. siht, Ger. Sicht, Gesicht, related to see. Didâr "sight, vision," verbal noun from didan "to see" (Mid.Pers. ditan "to see, regard, catch sight of, contemplate, experience;" O.Pers. dī- "to see;" Av. dā(y)- "to see," didāti "sees;" cf. Skt. dhī- "to perceive, think, ponder; thought, reflection, meditation," dādhye; Gk. dedorka "have seen"). |
ufology ufo-šenâsi Fr.: ufologie, ovnilogie A term that describes the collective efforts of those who study → unidentified flying object (UFO) reports. Ufo, from → unidentified flying object; → -logy. |
unidentified flying object (UFO) barâxt-e parande-ye nâ-idânidé,
padide-ye havâ-fazâyi-ye nâ-idânidé Fr.: Objet Volant Non Identifié (OVNI) Any flying object or phenomenon that cannot be identified by the observer. → unidentified; fly; M.E. flien; O.E. fleogan (cf. O.H.G. fliogan, O.N. flügja, M.Du. vlieghen, Ger. fliegen); → object. |