nulling fraction (NF) barxe-ye nuleš Fr.: fraction de phase d'arrêt The fraction of time that a → pulsar undergoes → pulse nulling. For most → nulling pulsars this fraction can range from zero (for the → Vela pulsar) to more than 50%. |
packing fraction barxe-ye anbâštegi (#) Fr.: coefficient de tassement The difference between the isotopic mass of a nuclide and its mass number divided by its mass number. The packing fraction is a measure of the stability of the nucleus. Packing, from the verb pack "to put together in a pack," from the noun pack, from M.E. pak, packe, from M.D. pac or perhaps M.L.G. pak; → fraction. Barxé, → fraction; anbâštegi quality noun of anbâštan, anbârdan "to fill, to replete;" Mid.Pers. hambāridan "to fill;" from Proto-Iranian *ham-par-, from prefix ham- + par- "to fill;" cf. Av. par- "to fill," parav-, pauru-, pouru- "full, much, many;" O.Pers. paru- "much, many;" Mid.Pers. purr "full;" Mod.Pers. por "full, much, very;" PIE base *pelu- "full," from *pel- "to be full;" cf. Skt. puru- "much, abundant;" Gk. polus "many," plethos "great number, multitude;" O.E. full. |
polarization fraction barxe-ye qotbeš Fr.: fraction de polarisation The ratio expressed by P = (Ipar - Iper) / (Ipar + Iper), where Ipar and Iper are the light intensities with the electric field vector respectively parallel and perpendicular to the incident beam. → polarization; → fraction. |
principle of action and reaction parvaz-e žireš va vâžireš, ~ koneš va vâkoneš Fr.: principe d'action et de réaction Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction. |
principle of least action parvaz-e kamtarin žireš, ~ ~ koneš Fr.: principe de moindre action The principle that, for a system whose total mechanical energy is conserved, the path to be taken for the system from one configuration to another is the one whose action has the least value relative to all other possible paths and from the same configurations. Also called Maupertuis' principle, least-action principle. |
proton-proton reaction vâžireš-e-e proton-proton Fr.: réaction proton-proton A → thermonuclear reaction in which two protons collide at very high velocities and combine to form a → deuterium. See also → proton-proton chain. |
pycnonuclear reaction vâžireš-e cagâl-hasteyi Fr.: réaction pycnonucléaire A nuclear reaction that takes place at high densities and relatively low temperatures. Pycnonuclear reactions are almost temperature independent and occur even at zero temperature. These reactions are extremely slow at densities typical for normal stars but intensify with increasing density. For example, carbon burns into heavier elements at densities over 1010 g cm-3. Pycnonuclear, from pycno- a combining form meaning "dense, thick," from Gk. pyknos "dense, solid" + → nuclear; → reaction. Vâžireš, → reaction; cagâl-hasteyi, from cagâl, → dense, + hasteyi, → nuclear. |
quantum of action kuântom-e žireš Fr.: quantum d'action Since → Planck's constant has the dimension of → energy × → time, its sometimes called the quantum of → action. |
rarefaction âlareš Fr.: raréfaction The state of being rarefied, less dense. M.E. rarefien, from M.Fr. rarefier, from L. rarefacere "make rare," from rarus "loose, wide apart, thin, infrequent." Verbal noun from âlar present stem of âlaridan→ rarefy + -š, a suffix. |
rarefaction wave mowj-e âlareš Fr.: onde de raréfaction A pressure wave in a fluid generated by rarefaction. It travels in the opposite direction to that of a shock wave in the medium. → rarefaction; → wave. |
reaction vâžireš, vâkoneš Fr.: réaction 1) General: Action in response to some influence, event, stimulus. Verbal noun of → react. |
reaction rate nerx-e vâžireš Fr.: taux de réaction The speed with which a → chemical reaction takes place. In other words, the change in → concentration of a → substance divided by the → time interval during which the change is observed. |
refraction šekast (#) Fr.: réfraction 1) Optics: The change of direction which a beam of light undergoes as it
enters a medium of different → refractive index. From L.L. refractionem (nominative refractio) "a breaking up," from L. refractus, p.p. of refringere "to break up," from re- "back" + combining form of frangere "to break," from PIE base *bhreg- "to break" (cf. Goth. brikan, O.E. brecan "to break;" Lith. brasketi "crash, crack"). Šekast, past stem of šekastan "to break, split;" Mid.Pers. škastan "to break;" Av. scind-, scand "to beak, cleave;" Proto-Iranian *skand- "to break, cleave;" PIE sken- "to cut off." |
resonant reaction vâžireš-e bâzâvâ Fr.: réaction résonnante A nuclear reaction whose probability is enhanced at an energy corresponding to an energy level of one of the nuclei. → resonance capture. |
screened Coulomb interaction andaržireš-e bâparde-ye Coulomb Fr.: interaction de Coulomb écrantée The → Coulomb interaction reduced owing to the presence of other electrons. See → shielding effect. → screen; → coulomb; → interaction. |
simple fraction barxe-ye sâdé Fr.: fraction simple A fraction in which the → numerator and → denominator are positive → integer numbers. Compare → compound fraction. |
sky subtraction zirkaršeš-e âsmân Fr.: soustraction de ciel The act or instance of removing the contribution of non-related, intervening foreground light to the object. → sky; → subtraction. |
strong interaction andaržireš-e sotorg Fr.: interaction forte The interaction between quarks that is transmitted by gluons. The characteristic range of the strong interaction is 10-13 cm, and the time scale over which it operates is on the order of 10-23 second. Also called → strong force. → strong; → interaction. |
subtraction zirkaršeš Fr.: soustraction The operation of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities. Verbal noun of → subtract. |
tensor contraction terengeš-e tânsor Fr.: contraction de tenseur An operation of tensor algebra that is obtained by setting unlike indices equal and summing according to a summation convention. → contraction; → tensor. |