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radical rišé (#), rišegi (#), rišâl Fr.: racine 1) Math.: The indicated root of a quantity, as denoted by an expression written under
the → radical sign. M.E., from L.L. radicalis "of or having roots," from → radix "root." → root. |
radical axis âse-ye pâyé Fr.: axe radical Of two circles, the straight line containing all points P such that the lengths of the tangents from P to the two circles are equal. |
radical sign nešâne-ye rišâl, ~ rišegi Fr.: signe radical The symbol √ placed before a number or quantity to indicate the extraction of the square root. The value of a higher (the n-th) root is indicated by a raised positive digit (n) in front of the symbol, as in 3√ (cube root). The first known occurrence of this symbol was in the book Die Cross, published in 1525, by the German mathematician Christoff Rudolff. |
radii šo'â'hâ Fr.: rayons Plural form of → radius. → radius. |
radio 1); 2) râdio; 3) partow, râdio Fr.: radio 1) An apparatus for receiving or transmitting radio broadcasts. 1); 2) Short from radiophone and radio-telegraphy. Râdio, loan from Fr., as above; partow→ ray. |
radio Arc kamân-e râdio-yi Fr.: arc radio A large number of narrow filaments in → radio continuum occurring toward the → Galactic Center, about 15 to 20 arc-minutes (some 50 parsecs in projection) north of → Sgr A*. The radio Arc is the prototype of → non-thermal filaments (NTFs) and resolves into a set of more than a dozen vertical filaments with lengths of about 30 pc distributed symmetrically with respect to the → Galactic equator (Yusef-Zadeh et al. 1984, Nature 310, 557). Among more than 100 NTFs found in the Galactic center region, the Arc is the only one known to show inverted spectrum with a → spectral index α = +0.3 (Law et al. 2008, ApJS 177, 515, and references therein). This implies a very hard energy spectrum of particles for a source of → synchrotron radiation. |
radio astronomy râdio axtaršenâsi, axtaršenâsi-ye râdioi Fr.: radio astronomie The branch of astronomy that deals with the study of the Universe by means of → radio waves. |
radio burst belk-e râdio-yi Fr.: sursaut radio A burst of emission in the radio frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. |
radio continuum emission gosil-e peyvastâr-e râdio-yi Fr.: émission de continuum radio A → continuum emission with frequencies in the radio range of the electromagnetic spectrum. |
radio counterpart hamtâ-ye râdio-yi Fr.: contrepartie radio The representation in → radio wavelengths of an astronomical object that has emission in other parts of the → electromagnetic spectrum. → radio; → counterpart. |
radio emission gosil-e râdio-yi Fr.: émission radio → Electromagnetic radiation carried by → radio waves. |
radio flux šârr-e râdioyi Fr.: flux radio Total radiation in radio wavelengths going out from the 2π solid angles of a hemisphere. → flux. |
radio flux density cagâli-ye šârr-e râdioyi Fr.: densité de flux radio The flux of → radio waves that falls on a → detector per → unit → surface area of the detector per unit → bandwidth of the radiation per unit → time. The unit is → jansky. |
radio frequency basâmad-e râdio-yi (#) Fr.: fréquence radio The → electromagnetic radiation with the frequency range between 3 → kiloherz (kHz) to 300 → gigahertz (GHz). See also → radio wave. |
radio galaxy râdio kahkešân, kahkešân-e râdioyi Fr.: radiogalaxie A galaxy that is extremely luminous at radio wavelengths between 10 MHz and 100 GHz. The radio luminosity of a strong radio galaxy (1037-1039 watts) can be up to a million times greater than the radio output of an ordinary galaxy and up to a hundred times greater than the optical luminosity of a galaxy such as the Milky Way. The optical counterparts of radio galaxies are usually an → elliptical galaxy. Radio galaxies often exhibit jet structure from a compact nucleus. They typically display two → radio lobes that are often approximately aligned with the jets observed in the optical and that may extend for millions of → light-years. |
radio interferometer andarzanešsanj-e râdioyi Fr.: interféromètre radio An → interferometer designed for radio frequencies. → radio; → interferometer. |
radio jet radio-šân, šân-e râdioyi Fr.: jet radio An → astrophysical jet appearing in the radio wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. |
radio lobe lap-e râdioyi Fr.: lobe radio An extended region of diffuse radio emission, often dumbbell shaped, that surrounds a radio galaxy. |
radio noise nufe-ye râdioyi (#) Fr.: bruit radio The electromagnetic noise at radio wavelengths. |
radio pulsar râdio-tapâr, pulsâr-e râdio-yi Fr.: pulsar radio A → pulsar that emits → pulses in → radio waves. The bulk of discovered pulsars are radio pulsars. There is a small number of pulsars that emit at optical wavelengths, X-ray wavelengths, and gamma-ray wavelengths. |
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